Private fundraising

*** was sentenced to 2.5 years of “domestic chemistry” for political reasons, her small child was threatened to be given to an orphanage, and her relatives under the influence of propaganda did not support her and cooperated with the security forces. To protect herself and her child, she left Belarus and is asking for financial assistance to start her life anew in Poland.

Belarusian journalist and activist Andrei Meleshko and his 11-year-old daughter were not allowed to enter Georgia, where they had been living for three years, and were forcibly sent by plane to Poland. Andrei's wife and young daughter remained in Georgia. Now he is forced to organize his life in Poland and needs help with rent and other expenses

Oleg Korban, civil activist and former political prisoner with his family was forced to leave Belarus due to political persecution. Now they are in a refugee camp in Belgium waiting for international protection and need financial assistance to solve the problems they faced

Inna Postnova was detained on denunciation because of her BCB manicure. They tried to record a “penitential video” with her, but the woman refused to talk. She is now safe, but needs your help.

Belarusian volunteers of the Volat Battalion, who are engaged in aerial reconnaissance, are raising funds for a vehicle to respond quickly to changes in the situation and ensure the safety of their troops on the front lines.

The wife of a former political prisoner was left alone with her three children for three years and had to take out a loan to pay rent, support her family and support her husband in the colony. She needs help with debt repayment.

Fearing persecution, Anna went to Poland. The woman was diagnosed with cancer and needs help to continue her treatment.

A few months ago, we raised money for a liver transplant for journalist Vadim Dovnar. Unfortunately, the treatment did not yield the expected results. Therefore, we are launching a new collection to provide Vadim with palliative care.

Andrei (name changed) is an activist who spent more than two years in a colony for participating in protests. After that he moved to Poland and needs support.

Ivan Skuratovich, an activist of ZUBR and Tell the Truth movement has been involved in the political life of the country since 2001. In 2024, after another arrest, he moved to Poland, where he needs support.

A former political prisoner who served 3 years in prison for participating in peaceful protests was forced to leave the country after a loved one was detained. His difficult financial situation forced him to ask for help to restore his health and normal life.

“Dom Tvortsau” is an initiative that helps repressed Belarusians. It is a place for accommodation, rehabilitation, creative realization and exchange of experience of creative people from Belarus, including political prisoners. “Dom Tvortsau” organizes free psychological trainings for those who faced stress and burnout in emigration, creative meetings and art therapy classes. The initiative needs financial support to continue its activities.

Anastasia and her family participated in protests in Belarus, were persecuted and forced to emigrate to Lithuania. The woman recently broke her wrist and now needs help to cover medical expenses and rehabilitation.

Maria, a former political prisoner, was given the status of “terrorist” and spent two years in a colony. After her release, facing financial and social difficulties, she emigrated to Poland and is now asking for help to adapt and support her in her new country.

Ekaterina, who participated in peaceful protests in Belarus, asks for help. After moving to Poland in 2022, her daughter Dasha was diagnosed with cancer; they need funds for accommodation near the hospital while treatment is ongoing.

Sergei left the army and moved to Poland with his family. The man needs help to undergo a medical examination, pay for a psychologist's course and go to advanced training courses.

Vitaly has recently been released from the colony and moved to Lithuania. The guy needs help to learn the profession of Python developer.

Roberto Casanueva was born in Cuba. He has lived in Belarus for more than 30 years. In 2020, the man went to protests and served 13 months in a temporary detention center before being evacuated to Vilnius with the help of the BYSOL team. Roberto needs funds for living while he awaits a decision from the Lithuanian Department of Migration.

Mikalai Lepeshka in 2020, participated in peaceful protests. Three years later he was summoned as a witness, then he became a suspect, and eventually accused under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus. In January 2024, Nikolai was sentenced to 1 year and 10 months of “chemo”. The man with his wife and three children were forced to leave Belarus in an emergency with the support of the BYSOL team. The family needs money to pay rent for the first time.

Maria is a Belarusian businesswoman and former political prisoner. In 2020 she participated in the elections as an independent observer, for which she was later arrested. Maria spent 3 years in detention. After her release, she was urgently evacuated from Belarus by the BYSOL team due to the threat of re-detention.

Siarhei Petrukhin is a blogger from Brest, author of the YouTube channels “Narodny Reporter” and “Youtube-deputies”. On June 16, 2020, the man was detained and sentenced to 3 years under Article 342 in the case related to the events in Hrodna on May 29. After his release, Siarhei lived in Belarus, but recently had to leave due to the risk of persecution.

Tokarchuk Olga is a former political prisoner and blogger from Belarus. She left the country together with her children and her father after January 23 in the INeedHelp case because of the threat of criminal prosecution. The family left in a hurry, without money or belongings. They need help to pay for an apartment, buy necessities and organize their everyday life.

Natalia Stepantsova was initially sentenced to one year of “home chemistry” for a comment about a policeman, but then her punishment was changed to 2 years of “regular chemistry”. The woman was recently released from prison, having served her sentence in full, after which, due to the threat of a new prosecution, she was urgently evacuated by the BYSOL team. Natalya needs financial assistance to pay for her apartment, buy food, learn English and get a new profession. Translated with (free version)

Sergei Antonov is a Belarusian journalist and fiction writer. In November 2023 the portal, where the man worked, was recognized as an extremist formation. With the help of the BYSOL team, Sergei was urgently evacuated from Belarus, but now he needs help.

Sergei Kravchenko is one of the participants of the strike action at Belarusneft. In the summer of 2023, the man was recognized as a threat to the national security of Lithuania because of the fact that from 2015 to 2018 he worked as a rescue firefighter in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus.

Andrey is a former student. He was sentenced to two years of “domestic chemicals” for his participation in the protests. While the guy was in prison, he was expelled. Andrey found a job, but still doesn’t have enough money.

“Tiger” is a Belarusian volunteer. In August 2020, he participated in peaceful protests, and later left Belarus because he feared for his freedom. After the Russian invasion, the man signed up as a volunteer.

After Anton was detained for protest videos found in his phone, his wife was left alone with their two children. The woman needs financial support, as their eldest daughter lives with Down syndrome, and the youngest was born prematurely and also needs constant rehabilitation.

Olga left Belarus in December 2020, fleeing persecution. During the last year she went through divorce, illness and death of her mother. Now the woman is raising 2 children alone and needs help to stay below the poverty line.

Veniamin (name changed) is a retiree. He has been sentenced to “domestic chemistry” and a giant fine for comments the man left in 2020. The family is asking for help to be able to pay the fine on time and not be left destitute.

Alina, a photographer and activist of the Belarusan protest movement, spent 10 days in a pre-trial detention center in the summer of 2023. After her release, she left the country and is now in dire need of financial support to pay for a psychotherapist.

V. recently left Belarus due to a serious threat of persecution. Almost immediately after crossing the border his appendix became inflamed. The man underwent an urgent operation, but he did not have time to get medical insurance. V. needs funds to pay for the surgery and post-operative treatment.

Artiom Yarmak was charged in the case of arson of Aleh Haidukevich's house. He spent 109 days in the pre-trial detention center, after which he was released on his own recognizance and left Belarus. Now the man lives in Lithuania. He needs financial assistance to improve his health after the escape, as well as to take English courses.

Dmytro was one of the most effective signature collectors in Viktor Babariko's team in 2020. Later, he was repeatedly detained and placed in a temporary detention centre for his activism. After one of the detentions, Dzmitry was found to have a serious tumour in the retroperitoneum. The man needs funds for rehabilitation after surgery.

After her husband's detention, fearing persecution, K. left Belarus with her 10-month-old daughter. They both need to start their lives anew. K. devotes herself fully to the girl and is unable to work full-time, so she needs your financial support.

Stas was sentenced to 2 years of “chemistry with direction” for participating in protests and for “insulting” Lukashenko. The guy tried to leave the country himself, but failed. After that he was taken out by the BYSOL evacuation team.

Dmitry is a former political prisoner. In 2021 he was sentenced to 2 years in a penal colony for a comment in a social network. After his release, the man did not want to leave Belarus, but was forced to leave the country with his family after he learned that another case might be opened against him. Now the man is safe, but needs help.

Irina was sentenced to 2 years in a penal colony for messages in the telegram channel “Mozyr-97”. She was recognized as a political prisoner. Recently the girl was released. She moved to Poland and needs funds to settle and treat her youngest daughter.

Mikhail is a former teacher. In the spring of 2023 he left Belarus, and after that the law enforcers started to pressurize his minor son. Mikhail decided to take the boy out of the country, but first he needs to pay for his son's college education.

Andrei (name changed) received two years of colony for participating in protests in 2020. The man has recently been released from prison. He was fired from his job, and it is very difficult to find a new one in Belarus, having a “political” article. Therefore, Andrei decided to open his own business, and asks for your help to start.

Daria, fearing persecution, left Belarus a year ago. She took in a stray dog in Poland, but recently her pet was bitten by a tick. The dog suffered from babesiosis and is already on the mend. However, the girl spent a lot of money from her reserves, and now she needs help herself.

The Belarus Medical Solidarity Foundation and White Coats Media have teamed up for this special season filled with hope and kindness to support those who have always cared for us. Join our “Congratulate a Medic” campaign in honor of the new year to help medics affected by repression.

Diana was out on the Marches in 2020. Brightly colored photos with her swirled around the Internet, and many of them became a symbol of protest. In May 2023 the girl came to Belarus to replace her passport, but was sentenced for 3 years.

Andrei and Maria (names changed) are medical workers from a small Belarusian town. In the summer of 2023, KGB officers came to their workplace. They checked their phones, after which Andrei was fired from his job and Maria was given 15 days in jail.

Marina and Alexander are 3D artists. They moved to Poland in 2023 because they were facing criminal prosecution under the “people's” 342 article. Now they are looking for a job in their specialty, have encountered difficulties and need financial support.

Belarusian volunteers from the “Tango Romeo” unit need to purchase 2 vehicles and a set of drones to restore combat capability. The fighters are on the front lines and have recently suffered equipment losses.

Gleb was detained for “wrong” subscriptions and comments and spent more than 5 months in the pre-trial detention center. Later he was sentenced to a year and a half in a penal colony, but the BYSOL team managed to get him out of the country.

Together with her daughter, Eva is now in a new phase of life caused by the crisis of emigration. The woman needs your help to rent a place to live and also dreams of realizing her own musical project that will support all Belarusians.

Piotr is a long-time participant of the opposition movement. A Minsk resident. In 2020 he was cautious and tried not to get into the camera lenses, so he did not count on attention from the law enforcers. However, one day the danger arose, and he had to leave almost empty-handed.

Katsiaryna was an independent election observer in 2020, and after the murder of Raman Bandarenka she went out with a solitary picket against violence. Recently, the law enforcers became interested in the woman again, so she urgently left Belarus.

Belarusian volunteers from the Volat battalion, who are engaged in the evacuation of wounded soldiers from the battlefield, need to purchase a set of special winter tires with tread for confident movement over rough terrain in the combat zone.

Daria was injured in a flash-bang grenade explosion in Novopolotsk in August 2020. Since then she has been suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and depressive-anxiety disorder. The collection is open to pay for a course of DPDH psychotherapy.

“We haven't seen daddy for several months” — the father of an activist from Lida has been in pre-trial detention center for several months awaiting trial. The man was charged with 2 criminal cases after the 2020 protests. The family needs help.

Ivan was detained while studying in April 2023. He spent more than 4 months behind bars before the trial and then received a large fine and 3 years of “home chemistry”. The BYSOL team was able to get Ivan to Poland, but he is now in need of help.

The collection is open to TOR BAND members and their families who were apprehended in October 2022 and sentenced to long terms of 7.5 to 9 years in a maximum security penal colony.

Maria lives in Georgia. In September, the girl went to the hospital because of a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Doctors found an inflammation of her appendix and an ovarian cyst and referred her for emergency surgery. Now Maria is undergoing rehabilitation and needs help to cover her expenses.

Human rights defenders Alina and Igor stayed in Belarus to the last and worked underground, hiding and moving from place to place. Recently the family evacuated. They need help to solve their health problems, to buy children's things and to rent accommodation for the first time.

Veronika, a mother of three children. Her husband was arrested and convicted for expressing an opinion about the president of Belarus. The family was deprived of all means and property. The older children and the youngest child with autism need support.

Denis is an orphan who served a year and a half in prison under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. After his release he went to Lithuania, where he worked in a restaurant for about a year. Now Denis is looking for a new job with a higher salary, because he is expecting a child and needs to improve his living conditions.

Maxim (name changed) worked as a locksmith until 2020. Then he went to rallies and participated in a strike. Because of this, he was fired. Now he is taking care of his mother, who has stage IV cancer. In need of your help.

Anton was detained in 2021 in the “Zeltser case” and sentenced to 2 years of general regime. He served the whole term and then went to Poland. Now he is taking a Data Science course and needs money to buy a laptop and make a living.

A few days ago Eugene had an accident as a result of which he suffered a compound fracture of his leg. He underwent an emergency surgery in a hospital in Istanbul. But the man has no insurance, so he has to pay himself and in full.

Alexander has been involved in activism since 2014, when as a 20-year-old student he decided to run for local Councils of Deputies. In 2021, he was detained in a “roundel case” and sentenced to one year in prison.

Andrei was awarded two and a half years of suspended sentence (home chemistry) for participating in the 2020 rallies. Due to an unspoken order of the district executive committee, it is impossible for him to get a job.

In Poland, Alexei worked in a meat factory before applying for international protection. He needed this job to pay off his debts, to buy necessary things and to save for the rent of a room. Unfortunately, in the last month he was cheated by the management of the intermediary company through which he got a job.

Mikhail Samborsky is a children's doctor from Bobruisk. He actively fought against the regime and was a ByProsvet volunteer. Under the threat of a prison sentence he urgently left Belarus with his family. Needs help to buy school supplies for children, clothes and shoes for the whole family.

I am 55 years old. In 2020 I spent 22 days in a punishment cell without hygiene products. For 10 months I lived illegally in Belarus and could not go to the dentist. Because of this, severe inflammation of gums started and my teeth fell out.

I was prosecuted and given two years of “chemo”. Because of this I cannot get a job and I am thinking about leaving the country. But in order to do that, I need to close the debts that came up while the trial was going on and I was sitting on Okrestin.

Actor Denis Ivanov in 2020 together with many Belarusians went to protests and was a volunteer at the camp near Okrestin. He was criminally prosecuted by denunciation and given 2 years of “chemistry”. He is now at large. The BYSOL team evacuated him to another country. However, Denis needs help to start living again.

My name is Denis. My spouse and I were detained in June 2022. I was imprisoned for a year and a half, and my spouse and child were urgently evacuated by the BYSOL team. After my release, I left Belarus.

Belarusian traveler Michalina Okun, who was forced to leave Belarus due to threats from snitch Olga Bondareva, needs to acquire equipment to process her photo-video archive of images of the Belarusian village, Belarusian traditional rituals, and to create her YouTube channel.

In the spring of 2023 I was released from the penal colony, where I stayed for a year and a half. Then I was summoned to the ROVD again, and had to escape. The BYSOL Foundation evacuated me.

We are a mortar team, fighters of the Second International Legion of Defense of Ukraine, we open a pickup collection for transporting mortars and rotating twins on zero.

Help for Alexander Tsaruk — observer at the presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus, fighter of Kalinovsky Battalion (PKK), head of the aid organization “Krait” (Lithuania) — in his fight against cancer and recovery from radio-radiation therapy.

15 years ago I took in a little girl from an orphanage who became my daughter. Now she is enrolled in university and I need to help her pay her tuition. I can not do this because I myself am in emigration after serving a year in a general regime colony.

Due to repression and criminal prosecution we had to leave Belarus as a family. However, we have encountered great difficulties in obtaining international protection. We need help to pay for medical services, language courses, court costs, and to buy clothes and school supplies for the children.

Eugene participated in the 2020 protests and was a civic activist. He is currently facing the need to pay for treatment including medication and counseling with a psychologist to overcome depression with suicidal thoughts.

I was forced to leave Belarus, however my mother and my sister, a person with a disability, stayed at home. Please take care of my family until I get on my feet and can help them myself.

I participated in protests in Belarus in 2020, after which I was forced to leave for Ukraine. After the full-scale war started, I stood up for the defense of Ukraine with Igor Yanki's unit. I took part in the battles for the liberation of the Kiev and Kharkov regions.

In 2021 I was forced to go to Ukraine and applied for refugee status. Soon the war started and I went to the AFU as a volunteer. Now I am in Poland and I need a new bike to work in delivery.

The Czech Republic has denied international protection to a Belarusan who fled Lukashenko's regime in Ukraine, and later the war, to the Czech Republic. Legal fees are required to appeal this decision.

I had to drop out of college because I was “loud” about the situation in Ukraine and Belarus. Now, in order not to have my family's property described, I need to repay the funds spent on my tuition.

Has suffered a serious open injury to his arm. Without proper treatment, there is a chance that the arm will not fully recover. It takes about three months for treatment and recovery. I am not in Belarus, no insurance.

My name is Valery Stupachenko. This is one of the pseudonyms under which I write for independent Belarusian publications. In 2020 I left Belarus. However, it is difficult for me, because age takes its toll. I ask Belarusians for help.

In 2020, I was part of the main CC and was Svetlana Tihanovska's Youth and Student Representative. For this I was given two and a half years. Now I am safe and want to continue to help build a free Belarus.

I am a former policeman from Grodno. In the winter of 2021 I was prosecuted for insulting a representative of authority because of a comment in VKontakte. I will need to leave the country, otherwise I will have no life here.

I was sentenced to 2 years in prison for insulting Lukashenko. During this time my family has accumulated large debts on rent and loan penalties. I ask Belarusians to help me to start living further.

Leonid Sudalenko, a laureate of a French human rights award, a lawyer for the unemployed, and a legal inspector of the REP trade union, spent three years behind bars just for helping people. Today Leonid is free and is starting a new life in safety. Let's support the human rights defender in a difficult moment!

The founders of the band Irdorath, Nadezhda and Vladimir, were detained in August 2021 and sentenced to 2 years in prison for playing the song “Change” on bagpipes during the 2020 protests. After their release, they urgently left Belarus and are starting a new life in a new country.

My name is Alexei Utkin. Despite my “no-go” status, I evacuated to Lithuania and found a place to live and a job here. However, I started having health problems and I need funds to get treatment in time and not to become disabled.

In 2020 the state destroyed my business. I left Germany and returned to Belarus to take my family. But I was detained. Having gone through torture and humiliation, I undermined my health and was left without means.

My name is Artem Kovalev, I am from Chechersk. I escaped from the hands of law enforcers in only shorts and a T-shirt. Thanks to the BYSOL Foundation I got to Warsaw via Yerevan, Tbilisi and Kutaisi. Now I'm starting my life from the zero.

My name is Vasily Pleshkunov. I am a former labor teacher. I was fired from my job in 2020. Recently moved to Poland. I need funds for the first time.

Sergei Pantus, an activist who was forced to leave Belarus, had a ruptured brain vessel aneurysm. He was in a coma and underwent surgery. We need help for his treatment and rehabilitation.

My name is Elena [name changed for security reasons, the BYSOL Foundation has all the supporting documents]. I am a former political prisoner, sentenced to 2.5 years in an open-type correctional facility (“chemistry”), later evacuated from Belarus.

My name is Yuri [name has been changed for security reasons, the BYSOL Foundation has all the supporting documents]. After my release from the penal colony, I cannot find a well-paying job to pay off my attorney debt and start a new life.

In 2021, I was convicted of participating in peaceful 2020 rallies. I was imprisoned for two years. I was fired from my job, put on the preventative registry and recognized as an extremist. Because I was incarcerated on a politically motivated case, I now find it difficult to find a job.

My name is Alexander. I am a politician and a former political prisoner. Two criminal cases were filed against me and I served more than two years. Now I need to leave the country urgently because the pressure on me is increasing.

I am a former political prisoner who, along with his wife and two young children, was forced to urgently leave Belarus because of the threat of a new criminal case.

I am Fyodor Zhivalevsky, a musician, active in cultural activities for over 25 years. I came to Georgia at the beginning of 2023 because of constant harassment from internal affairs officers in Belarus.

I, Anatoliy Vladimirovich Voytekhovsky, former publisher of the Baranovichi independent newspaper “Shag”. I am a member of the Social Democratic Party “Narodnaya Hramada” and took an active part in the protests in Minsk in 2020.

My name is Mikhail Prach. I am a former political prisoner. Due to the aggravated situation in the country, I have decided to leave for Poland. I need financial help for renting a house and moving.

After a politically motivated dismissal and persecution by an illegitimate government, I was forced to leave Belarus with three minor children.

We are Belarussian volunteers in a medevac group that specializes in evacuating and rescuing the wounded from the front lines and hot spots. We are responsible for people's lives and do everything we can to ensure that they are evacuated quickly and safely.

I was forced to leave Belarus urgently because I was blocked from leaving Belarus, got fines from the tax office and was not allowed to get a job. Now I need to look around in a new place, rent a place to live for the first time, get legalized and find a new job.

I am former political prisoner Dmitry Abramuk. I was sentenced to three years of “chemistry” for the “roundhouse case” and for “insulting Lukashenko”. I faced pressure at the “chemistry” because I didn't admit my guilt. I was transferred to the colony, where I was given a red tag. During my detention I had to go through a 120-day punishment cell and 4.5 months of solitary confinement.

My spouse and I each served 4 months in SIZO-1. The sentence was 3 years of “chemo”. During this time we were both fired from our jobs. We also accumulated rent arrears (4 months at 300 euros) and utility bills. We also took 2 simple phones on credit from the operator A1, because our phones are under arrest.

We were given a 70 b.v. fine for an Instagram picture posted on 08/15/2020. During the search they seized a phone and a laptop, which are necessary for our family. My husband's residence permit in Belarus was not renewed and he had to leave. I was left alone with three children (on maternity leave). My husband was the only source of income in our family.

I am a person with an active civic position, over the years participated in various protests, for which I was repeatedly subjected to various kinds of reprisals: fines, days, attempted dismissal from work. Subsequently, I was sent to places not so distant under the protest article. After my release I find myself in a hopeless situation.

I have been convicted twice under Article 369 of the Criminal Code (insulting a representative of authority), for three years of home chemistry. I am raising a daughter who is seriously ill. This year she goes to school.

I am a young doctor, an activist. After detention, detention center and trial I found myself in a difficult financial situation. I need money for legalization in a new country, nostrification and translation of documents.

A former fighter of the “Pagonya” regiment, a member of the public association “Pagonya” (Kiev), was seriously wounded during combat missions. The Belarusian fighter was carrying out a mission of his AFU unit command.

In 2022, when Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine began, I could not stay away and went as a volunteer. I took part in combat operations in Severodonetsk, near Kramatorsk, in the Zaporozhye region. My call sign was Iron. I was part of the aerial reconnaissance group and was engaged in artillery correction.

I am a former political prisoner. I was serving my sentence in IK-15, Mogilev. After release my family was in a difficult situation. They have five dependent children, one of whom is two years old. During my time in prison I got debts and credit debts.

Our family is one of thousands who have suffered from the illegal actions of the regime. My husband has been in prison since August 2020. We really need your help to collect parcels.

I am an activist from the city of Ivie. I'm a cultural anthropologist and museologist. Founder and first director of the Museum of National Cultures. Sentenced to two years of home confinement under article 369. She was put on the list of extremists. During my time in prison I didn't change my civic position. Because of this I was constantly subjected to pressure. I was repeatedly placed in a punishment cell.

I am a Belarussian volunteer with the call sign “Sanitar”. Two days after the start of the full-scale war, I did not hesitate to volunteer for the front. I took part in fights for Nikolayev, Kherson and Zaporozhye. I was awarded the medal “Ukraine — above everything!” and the medal “For courage in carrying out special missions”.

Was forced to flee Belarus due to repression. There is not enough money to pay for housing in the country of stay. No savings left, now there is a critical issue of eviction due to arrears. I am afraid of being left on the street. I am very much asking for help.

I am Eugene Karankevich, an activist of the Belarusan opposition movement since 2017. I had financial problems after an unsuccessful attempt to get a job in the AFU related to moving from Ukraine to Poland.

I was forced to leave the country after the verdict was pronounced in court. I fled to Lithuania. I faced a number of problems: work, paying accommodation and groceries. At the moment I have no money for accommodation and food, I am in a difficult situation.

Support the family of Pavel Belous, a man who gave his freedom for the love of Belarus! Pavel's family has had their cars and some household appliances confiscated. All the property in the house (from the closet to the kettle) has been described and may be confiscated

Nikolai Klimovich, a seriously ill political prisoner, died in a Vitebsk colony. Despite the fact that the “judge” and the “prosecutor” were aware of Nikolai's serious illness, the native of Pinsk was sent to jail.

I am a Belarussian volunteer with call sign “Sakura”. Took part in missions in Bucha, Irpen and participated in battles in the Nikolaev direction. After a long time, without rotations and after all the missions I had to leave for health reasons.

Got into a difficult situation from which I myself, unfortunately, can not get out. I am left without housing and means of livelihood. The difficulty of the situation is that I cannot find an official job, since I applied for international protection. Working illegally in Poland is fraught with consequences.

My name is Kirill, I am 19 years old. The first time I was detained on September 6, 2020 at a rally in Grodno, they gave me a 10 base fine. After 1.5 years, on 03.02.2022 I was detained under criminal article 342 part 1, as if I was 16 years old, who organized protests in Grodno.

I was forced to move out of Belarus after my trial so I wouldn't be held hostage by my own country. But it didn't end there. My family and I have been persecuted for over a year now. During this year there was a civil trial, at which, of course, I wasn't present. I was put on a list of extremists.

My husband is recognized as a political prisoner. I was left alone with a small child and pregnant for the last month. At this point, the youngest baby is 6 months old and my dad wasn't even holding him in his arms. The second baby is 2 years old.

On August 10, I was sentenced by the Leninsky District Court of the city of Mogilev to 2 years and 6 months of restriction of freedom. After the change of the third “chemo” in a row the rest of my time was changed to imprisonment, to be served in correctional colony #8 in Orsha. My family and I decided to leave Belarus.

I was convicted under Article 342 — 1.5 years of restriction of liberty with a referral to the PSI. At the moment I am serving my sentence. I was the main source of income for the family. Now my wife and two children are having financial difficulties.

My name is Yan Derzhavtsev. I am a pensioner and activist from Vitebsk. I have been fighting with the regime since 1994. I was forced to leave due to threat to my life and health.

My call sign “Lys”, I am a Belarussian Volunteer of the AFU. I love Ukraine and Belarus. I consider it my duty to protect the brotherly country and not to allow a similar scenario in my homeland. But for health reasons I was forced to leave the AFU.

The persecution by the regime did not end after the end of my imprisonment. I took advantage of BYSOL's help and evacuated the country in an emergency. I could not take any belongings or medicine. Now I have to acquire the essentials of life all over again.

My name is Maxim Prazhenik. In Belarus I was sentenced to 3 years of chemistry and then was forced to leave Belarus and moved to Ukraine, but there the war began and I went as a volunteer, but then, for health reasons, was forced to leave the AFU and moved to Poland.

Critically in need of help. I escaped from Belarus. I was repressed twice for my civic position. Now I found myself in a foreign country with no means of survival.

On March 22 of this year, a precinct officer came to my house with a search warrant. The house was trashed in a way that was scary to look at. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take pictures of the whole mess right away, I only took pictures of 20% of what I hadn't cleaned up in the children's room.

My call sign is Help. At the end of August 2020, I was forced (like many Belarusians) to leave my homeland and go to Poland. After Russia's attack on Ukraine, I, in accordance with my views and principles, quit my well-paid job as a European truck driver and volunteered to defend Ukraine.

I was forced to emigrate in August 2022 because I could no longer work in my profession and was in constant fear that they would “come” for me. Now, being outside my homeland, I am in a very difficult situation and I am very much hoping for help in trying to save myself.

From 2011 to 2020 I was a deputy head of the Rechytsa primary organization of the independent trade union REP. From the beginning of 2022, the KGB and IC started pressuring me. In November, after the “per diem”, I, once again, lost my job. In February 2023, I was informed by the KGB that a criminal case was opened against me. I had to leave Belarus urgently.

Galina Smirnova was detained on March 24 on the eve of Freedom Day and is being held in the TDF under Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (“Detention on direct suspicion of committing a crime”). It is unknown what crime Halina is suspected of. Galina needs urgent help for a lawyer, she needs an urgent operation on her spine, a surgery was scheduled for 13 April in Minsk.

The family of political prisoners Vaitekhovich, defendants in the case of the arson of the house of deputy Gaidukevich, an active servant of the Lukashenko regime, needs support. In custody now: father-Vitali Vaitekhovich, mother-Olga Vaitekhovich, son-Vladislav Vaitekhovich, son's wife-Anastasia Vaitekhovich.

In 2020 my family made their choice, in December 2020 was convicted under s.23.34. in 2021 in November was taken to detention center under s.342.1, after 7 months of arrest was sentenced to 3 years of home chemo.

My husband is a political prisoner, after the events of 2020, our family, myself and daughter have been without his support for 7 and a half years. We are in dire straits and need help. My husband is incarcerated.

A year ago, armed men took my husband away in front of me and my children. The investigation lasted almost a year and resulted in a sentence: 9 years in a strict regime colony with monetary compensation of 2,000 Belarusian rubles (700 euro) for material damage. I was left alone with two young children (1.5 and 7 years old) without husband and his material support.

A brave man who went out on a solitary picket against injustice in the country was convicted under Articles 368 and 370. At his trial he was sentenced to two years of “chemo.” He now needs help for the first time on his release, as he will need to regain his health.

Experienced Ukrainian fighters continue to defend their country from unthinkable military aggression. Now one of the squads is in dire need of help to purchase equipment.

The defenders of Ukraine from the 79th ODSB front are in dire need of a drone for reconnaissance and effective destruction of the enemy. More than half of it has already been collected. We really hope for your help and support.

My story, like many, began on August 9, 2020, with detention at protests against unfair elections, followed by continued reprisals in the form of preventive detentions on far-fetched protocols. On September 1st I was detained by GUBOP at my workplace, with all the ensuing consequences (infliction of bodily harm, torture with a stun gun, and intimidation by physical violence).

I was sentenced to two years under Article 369 after being released from the MLC. At the moment I cannot find a job in Belarus, as everywhere refuses to employ me because of my “political prisoner” status. In order to go to another country, I also need money to open a visa, prepare documents, move and the necessities of life.

60 years in prison and a fine of 2,100 basic units — this was the sentence passed on a former military man, a manager of a trading hall, an individual entrepreneur, a technician from the Institute of Powder Metallurgy and a high-class specialist in construction industry, during a closed trial in the high-profile “Busli Latsats” case.

Sergei Satsuk, an investigative journalist and former editor of the Yezhednevnik portal, has not only been sentenced to a long prison term, but also to pay a large fine. His family has no way to pay this fine and could lose virtually all of their possessions, including the car the family needs because they live out of town.

My name is Yuras Dzehtsiarou and I am a Belarussian volunteer in Ukraine. I need help for treatment and diagnostics, as I have serious chronic and acquired diseases (bronchial asthma, recently had a heart attack with complications, there are three stents in my blood vessels).

Being in another country without knowing the language and waiting a long time for asylum — I was not allowed to work. After 5 months in prison I started having serious health problems. Treatment is not cheap and I would be very grateful to anyone who would help me recover.

My name is Dimitri Dikun and on March 4, 2022, I had family members arrested in the “Svetlogorsk Rail Guerrillas” case. My brother was given 23 years, my sister's husband 22 years, my father-in-law's brother 21 years, and a 450 base fine.

Help is needed to pay off utility debts that have accrued for many years in the house where I was registered but not living because my mother was deprived of parental rights while I was in detention. As a result of the court proceedings — the debts were divided among all family members. This also affected me.

The first time after imprisonment is, as it turned out, not only joy, meetings and family restoration, but also fatigue, exhaustion, state of prostration and disorientation. When you are free, you are fully aware of what has happened, and your physical health is not good. You have to recover, in almost everything.

My name is Maya Terekulova and I am a pediatrician. After encountering repressions, I was forced to urgently leave Belarus. In emigration I would like to continue working in my profession, but for this I need quality and fast courses of Polish, to learn the language, to confirm my diploma.

Two of my children have been sentenced to prison because of their citizenship status. Now I need to go to work after maternity leave and 50% of my earnings will go to pay fines. In addition to my sons, I also have three minor daughters growing up.

My spouse was detained in April 2022, for commenting on a telegram. The investigation went on for six months and in October he was tried on six articles. The court's decision — 9 years of imprisonment in a reinforced regime colony and the payment of compensation for moral damage in the amount of 2,000 rubles.

As of this writing, only 18 days have passed since Yevgeny Chervinsky was released from prison. He is now in a refugee camp and needs help for adaptation, dental treatment, and rent.

After my release, the first deputy head of the ROVD told me that if before they were hindered by the law, now he could eliminate me and my whole family by all illegal means. Because of this our family had to urgently leave Belarus. Now we are in a difficult financial situation and we will be very grateful for support until we can get our documents drawn up and be able to find employment.

This year, at the age of 54, I was forced to leave Belarus urgently in order to preserve my life. In December 2022, I was subjected to reprisals for protest activities and was illegally convicted.

I am a social and political activist and mother raising a child alone. I was forced to leave the country with my child because of persecution and harassment, where I received international protection. Now she has to pay the rent and get a physical exam, an MRI of the brain.

Inna Shirokaya is a mother of five children raising them alone. Inna was forced to get away from the persecution of the regime after her imprisonment, seizure of her property and becoming an extremist #1712. Now she needs support to build a life in another country.

I am a political prisoner in forced emigration, with two children ages 12 and 18. My eldest son is a student just like me — unable to return to the country because of the threat of criminal prosecution. I was an independent observer in the August 2020 elections and actively expressed my position against the dictatorship and war in Ukraine.

Along with my family, we were forced to flee the regime to a neighboring country. Life in emigration is still a joy, during this time I seriously thought that prison was better, but there is just no way back. I know that there are people who are much worse off than my children, but I have nowhere else to turn for help.

After her release, Anna Vishniak, left without her work equipment (laptop, phone) and with no belongings at all, was forced to retreat from her homeland. Anna needs support in order to start her life from scratch, as well as — to rehabilitate her health after the period of imprisonment (badly destroyed teeth).

Vadim Gulevich was detained and placed in the Minsk KGB detention center on June 28, 2021. He was kept there until December 6, 2022, when he was transferred to Volodarskogo. Vadim has only his mother and grandmother among his relatives, and in order to support his son and grandson during his imprisonment — they need help.

Alexei Golovkin was detained on December 3, 2020. He has group 2 disability (hemophiliac polyarthropathy), and despite the complex diagnosis — he was sentenced under 4 articles of the Criminal Code for 3 years in a general regime colony.

My name is Andrei Tupovsky, together with my wife we were active participants in the protest in Mogilev. Against the background of psycho-emotional stress my wife started complaining of recurrent “blackouts” and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, neurasthenia, recurrent syncopal states in the anamnesis.

I am a doctor, an active representative of fair elections. On 8.12.22 I was detained by the officers of GUBOP and OMON for insulting the president, terrorism and participation in unsanctioned meetings. She had to evacuate from Belarus.

A mother of three children, a European Belarus activist who has repeatedly participated in the 2020 protests, defending her choice to live in a free and independent Belarus — has fallen under the repression of a brutal dictator. On December 30 she was arrested, and after some time she was put on the “list of terrorists.

After 2020, I was fired from a state-owned business for my views and expressions, and over the course of the year I was sentenced to three criminal convictions (Article 369 of the Criminal Code). Currently, my family is experiencing great financial difficulties, including fines debts.

Prior to his incarceration, our son lived and worked in the city of St. Petersburg, but upon his arrival on vacation — he was arrested. He was in pre-trial detention, and on October 26, he was found guilty under Article 342.1, resulting in a sentence of three years of home “chemo”.

The 18-year-old veteran is Gleb. Together with his brother he became a victim of repression in Belarus and, while still a minor, escaped from the punishers to Poland. Gleb had barely been granted asylum when a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine. Immediately after Gleb turned 18, he went to war against the Russian occupiers.

Denis Guretsky is a former political prisoner who was detained in May, as was his wife's sister. They were both sentenced in August to home “chemo” for their involvement in the events of 2020 and fled the country. Now he and his family need help settling into their new lives.

Since August 2020, I have actively participated in marches against the takeover in Belarus. In November 2020 I was convicted together with a friend for an Instagram photo with the national Belarusian flag, repaid the fines and continued “living” in Belarus.

I am the founder and leader of a VKontakte protest group in Vitebsk. I was detained by police officers, who took away my phone and exerted moral pressure. My project covered the current situation in the country, illegitimate authorities, their illegal actions and TG.

Catherine Maretskaya is a medical protest activist and volunteer. Because of the hidden mobilization, she was forced to leave the country, as she has military duty in her medical specialty. She needs financial help to rent a house in Poland.

We have been activists since 2020, participated in all kinds of protests and rallies. We were forced to hide from political persecution in Russia. Now that this has become impossible, we need help for emergency relocation.

My name is Denis Shmatko, I am a bagpiper, and yesterday I was diagnosed with an axillary vein clot. This means that if you don't treat the disease, the consequences could be for the rest of your life. I may have to stop playing the bagpipes, which I really don't want to do.

After finding a photo from the 2020 protests, a children's surgeon was subjected to reprisals: a fine and dismissal from his job. Andrei Vasilievich (real name withheld for safety) saved children's lives, and now, because of so-called “illegal picketing” — was deprived of the opportunity to continue his life's work. Now he needs support and solidarity.

In August 2020, I participated in rallies against rigged elections and in chains of solidarity. In April 2022 I was sentenced to 2.5 years of ”chemo” for my civic position. When I was forced to move, I got into debt and practically lost my livelihood.

Like many Belarusians, I have been repeatedly detained, lost my job, gone through searches, and so on in circles. I am anxious to leave and continue to fight, but in a safe place, as the repression is intensifying and it is not safe for me to stay in Belarus. I know that I will be useful in freedom and I will be very grateful to anyone who can help me.

My name is Alexei Mokhnach and since 2012 I have been suffering from mildly treatable autoimmune Crohn's disease. Now, after passing repressions, my body is in remission, which requires medical attention in order to prevent colon cancer, severe loss of strength, decline of iron in blood and arthralgia (pain in joints). In need of treatment.

Due to repression, our daughter was born prematurely, weighing only 1800 grams, and now has features of psychophysical development. The diagnoses of cerebral palsy and brain damage are in question. In order to find out exactly what the problem is, you need an urgent MRI of the brain in the hospital under anesthesia.

On October 17th , the verdicts in the so called ”Autukhovich case” were horrifying in their cruelty and unreasonableness. The inhumanity of the Belarusian courts has long been known, but here it reached its limit, because the judges handed down the largest sentences in the history of repression.

The family of political prisoner Salmonovich Denis needs support. Denis was detained on October 4, 2021 and now is recognized as a terrorist. The court sentenced the activist to 10 years of reinforced regime and a fine, and — a civil claim of 33,000 rubles.

I was working as a videographer for Sergei Tikhanovsky's team, which made my stay in Belarus dangerous and forced me to make an urgent move. At first we settled in Ukraine with my family, but before the war we decided to leave and during the second move I had a child.

On October 6, 2022, the Minsk Regional Court handed down a verdict in the “BelaPAN case,” the oldest independent news agency in Belarus. The “judge” Vyacheslav Tuleika sentenced the editor-in-chief of BelaPAN, Irina Levshina, to 4 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony and the former deputy director Andrey Aleksandrov to 14 years of reinforced regime. Andrei was also fined 1000 basic units (32 thousand rubles).

On September 26, a fighter of the Belarussian “Pogonya” regiment, Gomel resident Alexei Veschevailov, with the call sign “Reaper,” was killed while carrying out a mission. This is a great loss not only for Belarus, but also an irreplaceable loss for his family.

I, Tysev Vitaly, need help for urgent serious medical surgery. After my beating at the Stolbtsy Regional Department of Internal Affairs on August 9, 2020, my illness related to a spinal cord injury began to progress and at the moment everything is moving towards paralysis.

I was detained on April 10, 2022, or rather, simply stolen from life without explanation. I was given 15 days in jail for alleged ”resistance” and I spent those days at Okrestino in terrible conditions. Then I was transferred to SIZO-1, where I was held for 3 months, and later I went to court, where I was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

In November 2021, I was arrested for participating in protests, after which I was in a detention center, and then I was fired from my job. The court imposed a sentence under Article 342 — 3 years of home ”chemistry. My daughter is paying university tuition, and the available funds are not enough to fully support her life.

The struggle of the Belarusian people was an important choice for everyone. My wife and I made the right choice before God, Belarus and our conscience. We had to pay for it with the dearest things: our native home, family, and country, and to become abandoned abroad, having no possibility to return.

In 2021, my life and my family's life were divided into “before” and “after.” I was subjected to psychological and physical torture on Okrestin, after which I had to flee the country. Now my parents are subjected to political repression and pressure.

Since August 2020, I have actively participated in the protests in Minsk and have not been afraid to be in the hottest spots for the freedom of the Belarusian people. For this I was arrested and imprisoned first in jail, then in “chemo”.

On June 6, 2022, a closed trial began in the criminal case against activists of the “Busli Latsats” group. Now Aliaksei Ivanisau, Aliaksei Gamez, Andrei Budai, Mikalai Biblis, Aliaksandr Sidarenka and their families need support in paying for a lawyer and transfers.

I was forced to drop out of university and leave Belarus because of persecution for political reasons. A criminal case was brought against me under part 3 of Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code, which provides for up to six years in prison, for subscribing to the telegram channel ”Plan Peramoga”.

In 2020, seeking to defend my voice and that of the majority of Belarusians — I was detained under Article 23.34. After that, I faced trials, fines, re-arrest, a detention center, and the ultimate sentence: two years of home “chemo.” Needing support to help my family while I serve my sentence.

On September 6, ten political prisoners, defendants in the “Revolutionary Action” case, were sentenced at once in Minsk. In total, the imprisonment of the ten defendants, according to the plans of Lukashenko's accomplices, will amount to 94 years.

My loved one was sentenced under Articles 130 and 369 to 4 years in prison. I paid for the services of a lawyer, and in total the money spent accounts for more than 17,000 Belarusian rubles, plus compensation of moral damage to the victim in the amount of 1500 Belarusian rubles. I'm asking you to help me with the compensation of the money paid to the lawyer.

Our family was forced to leave Belarus after the arrest of our husband and father, on whom a criminal case under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus was opened. We tried to attend all the protests together with our children, so after my husband was detained the court started working on a criminal case against me.

I am currently a refugee in Ukraine. Due to the hot phase of the war - I have not been able to undergo rehabilitation in time. Complications with the rehabilitation of the circulatory system, thrombosis, varicose veins. Partial loss of sensation in my leg. Currently a residence registration is required, in Ukraine it is a paid service.

My name is Diana and in 2020, together with my whole family, we got involved in political life, and since August 10 we participated in all protest actions. This year we had to flee from repression, but as it happened, only I managed to go to Georgia.

Our sixteen-year-old son Nikita Zolotorev has been through all the circles of hell since the 2020 election. Torture and abuse continues to this day, and recently our son was convicted again. We, his parents, are in distress and have little to no help for him.

After the events of 2020 began, my husband actively participated in all peaceful marches, doing his civic duty and standing up for his family's rights. Having shown courage by standing up for a man and fighting back against the authorities, he is now serving a 5-year sentence.

My name is Jana and I am 26 years old. Since August 2020 I actively participated in peaceful actions, at one of which I was detained and arrested for 10 days. A year later officers of the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime burst into my house and detained me again for 10 days, after which they sentenced me under Article 342 part 1 to 3 years of “chemistry” and sent me to the Penal Enforcement Division.

My name is Ruslan Kostevich, I am 19 years old. Being a Belarusian soldier, I left the Ukrainian border to avoid taking part in the military conflict, for which I was prosecuted under the article on desertion. Now I am in Georgia and need help for the period of settling down.

My name is Pasha, I am a Belarusan activist who for three years was a volunteer for the NGO “Radislava”, but for political reasons was forced to leave Belarus for Ukraine. The war drove me out of there and I ended up in Poland.

It's no secret that many sensible Belarusians left their country, parted from their homes and loved ones for not accepting a different opinion. I am among them, and I haven't been home for a year because of the political pressure which started to affect me. Until recently, I had enough of my savings, but now I need funds for rent.

I was actively involved in the protest movement in August 2020, after which I was taken away in October 2021. I was released from custody in March 2022, and I went to serve my sentence on “chemo.” My family and friends can't support me financially all the time, and I now need help to maintain life while incarcerated.

My name is Ilya Lobatsevich, I am a former political prisoner who took an active part in the protest movement. Once, being at a protest together with my mother — I stood up for her, after which I was detained. I was sentenced for 1.5 years, and after my release I decided to leave Belarus.

My brother was in the group for the liberation of Snake Island, and now he is courageously fighting in the ranks of the DPSU (State Frontier Service of Ukraine), protecting Ukraine from Putin's aggression. To perform military tasks, the brother needs to acquire special active headphones.

My name is Tatyana Matsulevich, I am a young mother who had to leave Belarus urgently together with my small child. After my husband Aleksey's escape from prison, political pressure and threats were put on me.

We, Natalia and Alexander, have tried to participate in all actions and protests since June 2020, for which we had to endure repression, detentions and political pressure. In order to stay free we decided to leave the country.

My name is Wladyslaw Laplo and 3 months ago I moved to Poland because of the political pressure. During the first month I rented accommodation with the money I took with me and at the same time I looked for a job.

After my husband and I actively expressed our civic position in 2020 — we were convicted and fired from our jobs at different times. We had 18 and 20 years of experience together at the same company. Tried in vain to assert our rights before labor commissions.

After the start of the war in Ukraine, a mother and daughter who left Belarus because of political pressure — found themselves in a difficult situation. Now they stay in Ukraine and receive medical treatment, but they lost their jobs and their livelihood. They need help to pay for housing, buy medicine and minimal living expenses.

My name is Yana, I am 30 years old, I have three young children, Anya, Peter and Athena. My husband was detained and sentenced to one year in prison for a comment in a telegram chat room. With all the hardships I am left alone: rental housing, a mortgage on a home under construction, legal fees.

A man detained in August 2020 for participating in protests has been sentenced to prison time. He now has to pay a hefty fine in order to leave the country after his release and make contact with loved ones. Employment opportunities for him are limited because of his criminal record.

My name is Yuri Nesterenko and I am a musician and writer. My active participation in the destiny of the country, expressed both through election observation and through my work in independent publishing houses, has resulted in political pressure and the threat of arrest. Choosing freedom and safety, together with my family, we were forced to leave the country urgently.

Yana Pinchuk is a Belarusian political prisoner who was detained on 01.11.21. in St. Petersburg at the request of the Belarusian authorities. Yana has been kept in a detention center in St. Petersburg for 8 months already, during which time the Russian General Prosecutor's Office granted Belarus' request to extradite her to Belarus, and the Russian court upheld the decision.

Due to the fact that political pressure began to be exerted on my children, we were forced to leave Belarus urgently. On the 5th of February we came to Poland via Ukraine. Now, being in another country, we need help to rent a house and buy basic necessities.

I am a civic activist and was a member of Victor Babariko's initiative group during the 2020 elections. For expressing my opinion in the comments on telegram channels I had to undergo several searches and stay in the TDF, after which I was sentenced to a year and a half of home “chemistry”. Needing help to support my family and pay court costs while my sentence is being served.

The military of VSU stands up to their last breath for their Family, for their People, and for their Country. Now one group of troops is in dire need of a pickup truck for combat missions. The previous vehicle was damaged during air strikes.

Karina Potemkina is an activist from Soligorsk who was forced to leave Belarus in December 2021 and stayed in Bucha, where she caught the war. Since the outbreak of hostilities, the girl became a volunteer for the local Rada in Bucha, and in early March she evacuated to Lviv, where she continued volunteering on another platform. After the liberation of Bucha, Karina decided to go back and continue volunteering.

My name is Konstantin Shulga and on December 15, 2021 I was detained in my own home under Article 342 part. 1 (violation of public order and participation in unauthorized actions). Before the beginning of my detention I was engaged in treatment of my health, which had significantly worsened during my time in the punishment cell and in the pre-trial detention center. Now I am in Poland and I need help to continue my treatment and to settle down in my new country.

Dmitry Vovk and Yevgeny Shkrabo were killed in a car accident in Romania on June 14. Now relatives of Evgeni and Dmitri need money for the funeral of the victims, their parents will transport them from Romania to Belarus. Dmitry's wife and children (6 and 9 years old) cannot return to Belarus because of political persecution. As a result of the blocking of their cards in Ukraine and the loss of their husband and father, they do not have sufficient means of subsistence and need support at first.

In 2020, I participated in rallies and actively expressed my opposition to the violence and lawlessness in Belarus. In September 2021, I was sentenced to 1.6 years of home chemistry on a “roundhouse case.” In April 2022, after serving 7 months of home chemo, I had to flee the country illegally because of the threat of the colony.

My name is Yegor Sudoyd, I am a political prisoner who has served his sentence under Article 342 Part 1. While participating in mass protests and during the period of detention, my health was damaged and I received numerous injuries. I am currently in the process of recovering my health and medical treatment, as a result of which I am in need of medical support.

Sofia Sapega was detained on May 21, 2021 at Minsk airport, while boarding an Athens-Vilnius plane. Since May 21, 2021, she was detained, first in the KGB detention center, then under house arrest. On May 6, 2022, she was sentenced under Art. 130 part 3 of the Criminal Code to 6 years in prison.

My fight for a free Belarus cost me the loss of my job and most importantly, separation from my young son. Surprisingly I managed to win the courts, but then the threats came. And I had to leave Belarus without my child and move to another country and build my life by myself.

My name is Vladimir, I am a political activist who participated in all rallies and protests in Baranovichi and was also an observer in the elections of the 17th and 20th. In August 2021, after my brother was detained, they came to my house with a search and sent me for interrogation, where they told me to “sit quietly and wait”. Choosing freedom, I was forced to leave the country in an emergency.

My name is Dmitry Anisimov, I am a graphic designer who has always tried to express his opposition to political violence through a creative act. For creating videos, opposition prints, stickers, postcards and other graphic content — I was subjected to repression, searches, interrogations, sentences and eventually forced relocation from my home country.

In 2021, I was sentenced to two years of “home chemistry” for commenting on an article on Onliner. After my conviction, the regime deprived me of any part-time work, not allowing me to work more than one job. This significantly impacted my family's financial situation, as it limited my ability to pay for loans that were taken out to treat my daughter with a disability.

I live alone with my son in Vitebsk in rented housing and have my own tailoring and clothing repair atelier. In August, 2020 I was actively involved in sewing and distributing national symbols, and in January, 2021 searches were carried out in my workshop and home, during which the articles and fabrics were confiscated. So far I have been summoned to the police, threatened with criminal charges, and recently my IE has been filed for liquidation.

In January 2022, I was taken from my home and taken to the GUBOP. I was given an article 342 p. 1 for participating in two protest marches. More recently, in April, I had a trial where I was sentenced to 2 years of home “chemo.”

My name is Anastasia and I am a graduate student and teacher with a personal civic attitude. Because of my political views, I lost my job, was expelled from graduate school, and was subjected to criminal charges. I was imprisoned for three months for a two-year old photograph, and recently sentenced to three years of home “chemistry” for a felony that the state committed.

Rita is a 3rd year student in the psychology department of the F. Skorina State University. The girl was detained on December 28th , 2021 under article 130 for posting fly-sheets, the content of which, according to the investigation, was humiliating for the riot policemen. On March 23, 2022 the court passed a sentence on Rita: Two years of imprisonment under Articles 341 and 342. Now Rita's family needs support to pay for a lawyer, parcels, and medicine.

Anita is a talented girl with artistic interests, who finished school perfectly, passed her exams well and wanted to enter a university this year. But all the girl's plans collapsed in an instant: on the morning of February 23, when Anita was sleeping the SWAT raided her apartment, followed by a search, a stay at the police department and in Okrestino. To this day, Anita has never been released and is in pre-trial detention.

Wanting to express my disagreement with the military actions on the territory of Ukraine, I decided to lay flowers near the Embassy of Ukraine in Belarus. I was detained and sentenced to 15 days in jail and then dismissed from the place of distribution for truancy. Now I need support to pay the amount I was written out as “reimbursement for university tuition”.

My name is Alexei and I am a former political prisoner. Now I am in Kaunas, having no means of livelihood, as I cannot get a job because I am waiting for official documents. I need help to maintain my life at this period of time.

I am a member of the extended CC and at the moment I am in a camp for foreigners in Grópa (Grudziądz, Poland), but my stay in the camp is only possible until May 16, the day my medical insurance ends. Now my condition is worsening rapidly: I cannot walk or see well and my left hand is the only thing that works. I need support to regain my health and get settled in my new country.

After the events of 2020, I was under constant pressure from the authorities: searches, interrogations, detention as a suspect under Article 361-1. As a result, I had to leave the country and part with my family and business. Now I need help to settle in a new country and organize the relocation of my loved ones.

Nikita Slepianka is a Gomel activist and administrator of the cultural-historical telegram channel Rezystans, who has been charged with “creating an extremist formation”. Now Nikita needs support to pay for a lawyer and to live in a pre-trial detention center.

I am a single mother of three sons, the eldest of whom was sentenced to 3 years in an educational colony. My family went through a series of tragedies before and after the sentencing. I am now in need of help to arrange parcels to the penal colony, a trip to visit my son for an extended visit, and to fund his account at VK2.

After the August 9-10 elections, I was an active participant in all the protest rallies and street actions against the riot police in Brest, where I was injured due to beatings with batons and rubber bullets. In June they took me away from my job because I was wanted and a criminal case was brought against me, after which I was sentenced to two years in jail. After learning about the threat of imprisonment, I decided to leave Belarus.

Yulia Goryachko is a human rights activist and former political prisoner who had her communication equipment, laptop, camera and money confiscated. Recently a second criminal case began, after which Yulia had to urgently relocate. At the moment, Yulia needs help to continue her relocation, adaptation, health recovery, and to purchase equipment in order to continue her human rights work.

Purpose to pay for the collection and filling out documents to obtain the old pobytom by" roots " without the card of the Pole in the Republic of Poland.

My name is Tsupriyanchik Pavel and I am 19 years old. Previously I was actively involved in the protest movement, regularly attending protests and contributing to the fight against the regime. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I started passing on information about the movement of Russian troops in my city, after which the KGB became interested in me.

During the bombing of Kiev by military missiles, my mother was badly frightened and fell from a stepladder, seriously injuring her internal organs. This was March 17, 2022, in the midst of the siege of Kiev. Now we need help to fight for my mother's life.

I was convicted under Article 342 part. 1 to 3 years of “chemo” with a referral, and, not wanting to give up my freedom, was forced to leave my native country urgently, taking only minimal savings with me. I am currently in Georgia with no family, no finances, and no stable housing. I need help to settle down in my new country.

My name is Nikita Krasnokutsky and I am one of the founders of the “Youth Bloc” association and coordinator of the Minsk organization of the Hramada Party. On April 4, I was detained by the KGB and my house was searched. Under threats of a criminal case, I was forced to “agree” to cooperate, after which I decided to urgently leave Belarus.

On December 15, 2021, Goncharik Ilya's house was broken into by riot police and a man was detained under Article 364. On February 7, Ilya was sentenced to 4 years in “chemistry” with a referral. The man's wife and two minor children, one of whom has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, are waiting at home.

I, a father of a large family, was a PEC member in the 2020 election and did not sign a falsified protocol. After that, events such as receiving a fine for picketing, a search and confiscation of mobile devices awaited me. I was forced to take maternity leave from a well-paying job and now my family needs support.

My name is Dmitriy and I recently had to come out of the underground in order to evacuate urgently from Belarus. Now I am in Tbilisi without means of subsistence. I need to get a visa to get to Poland and then to Ukraine, where my friends who are engaged in extermination of Russian occupants are waiting for me in the volunteer battalion.

On February 24, 2022, the war caught Anna and Alexander in Gostomel and Bucha, the epicenter of fighting near Kiev. Unable to get out, they spent more than two weeks under shelling from Russian soldiers, hiding in a cold basement without light, gas or communications. On March 10, miraculously surviving, they were able to evacuate.

Cultural activists Papa Bo (Alexander Bogdanov) and Max Kruk, known to many as the authors and implementers of the 2020 peaceful protest marches in Minsk, have fallen under repression in their home country and have been forced to leave Belarus. In order to continue working in the field of cultural resistance, Maxim and Alexander need financial support.

My first detention involved a judge's car being painted in Mozyr in October 2020. After that I had to survive an interrogation at the KGB on the “Mozyr terrorists” case. After leaving the interrogation, I was forced to leave my homeland with my family in an emergency with one backpack behind my back and a minimal budget.

Nikolai Avtukhovich is an entrepreneur, public activist and a true patriot of Belarus. The regime is trying to accuse Nikolay under the articles on terrorism and attempted violent seizure of state power. According to the regime's laws, the accused can even face the death penalty under these articles. There is no trust in Belarusian courts, but we have to use every possibility to help Nikolay.

Sergey Gurlo is the leader of the Bobruisk organization of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union and a former employee of Belshina. After the events of August 2020, Sergey in every possible way tried to achieve justice, to sanctify the real events, to influence the birth of the New Belarus, for which he was repeatedly exposed to political persecution. At the age of 58, Sergey was forced to leave his native country and start his life from scratch.

The District Court of Minsk fined me under Article 24.23 for picketing by painting “NO WAR” on the windows of my own apartment window. This was the way I found, through which I was able to support Ukraine. I work as an artisan, specializing in making dolls, but lately my work has not been bringing in the financial means with which I could pay for the fine.

My name is Ivan and I am a former member of the military. I resigned in August 2020 in disagreement with the violence perpetrated by the Armed Forces during the protests in Belarus. I recently made the difficult decision to leave my home country and now need help to arrange a relocation.

My name is Victor. On December 23rd a criminal case was brought against me, under which I was transported to Pinsk, where I spent 3 days in the TDF and was released pending trial with restriction to travel abroad. I was put on the wanted list in Belarus and now I need help to settle in another country.

On February 11, after a search, Sergei Leonovich Vilkevich was detained and placed in the TDF for 3 days. Sergey was charged under Articles 19.11 (part 2) and 24.23 (part 1) and confiscated all his work equipment. Awaiting a second trial, Sergei is unable to work and deprived of the means to pay the fine and ensure his livelihood.

Because of criminal prosecution for political reasons, together with my husband and daughter we left Belarus and lived in Kiev until the beginning of the war. Now we are in Poland, we study Polish very hard and we have already found a chance to work in a Polish program aimed at medical workers. However, at this time we need help in order to arrange our life anew, for the second time.

Anastasia Kukhta always had an active civic position and fought against injustice, for which she was detained by KGB officers on February 17, 2022 under an administrative article. On the 4th of March she was repeatedly detained in a criminal case. Now Anastasia's parents need support to collect donations and treat one of her dogs.

After the events of 2020, our family broke apart into crumbs: we were forced to leave our home and homelands. Everything we had built up over the years disappeared in an instant. Having subjected us to detentions, violence, threats, searches — now the regime is bullying one of my own kind, holding him hostage in prison.

After being interrogated and searched in his apartment, Dmitry Dashkevich, a well-known Belarusian civil activist, was arrested. His pregnant wife Anastasia and three children need our support.

On August 9, while caught protesting election fraud, I suffered four gunshot wounds, long-term psychological trauma, and partial hearing loss of my right ear. After all of this, I also lost my job, racked up debts for treatment, underwent surgery, and underwent lengthy rehabilitation. I now need help to rebuild my life after it was ruined by the regime.

On February 25, 2022, after the war began in Ukraine, Irina was forced to flee her home for the second time in a year. At this time, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a decree that allowed all accounts in Ukrainian banks to be frozen to citizens of Belarus and Russia, and Irina and her son evacuated practically without their belongings and without a penny of money.

My name is Masha, I am a student at Grodno State University. I was detained and convicted under part 1 of article 24.23 of the Administrative Code. At the moment I am in need of emergency relocation due to the threat of a criminal case, but I do not have the funds to buy a plane ticket.

I am the wife of a political prisoner convicted of 3 years of “chemo” with a referral for political views. We have two children and I do not work as I stay at home with a young child. My husband was my only source of income.

My son was arrested on December 9, 2021 and is still in SIZO #1. We, his retired parents, whose father is disabled group 1, are currently in need of financial assistance to support our son, as well as — for our survival.

For the past 10 months, while in Belarus, I have been politically persecuted by the regime's security forces. At the same time, while hiding I managed to make actions against the so-called authorities, thinking about my safety as much as possible. I was forced to leave my country, to which I will surely come back.

In 2020 I was fired from the factory for taking part in strikes, but despite being fired — I continued to go to marches and actions. Unfortunately, in 2021 I had to leave the country after being questioned by the investigative committee and threatened with a criminal case.

The family of political prisoner Dmitriy Viktorovich Bunevich, convicted of protesting in 2021 to a year and eight months in a maximum security prison, needs help. Dmitry was the family's only source of income and now that he has been incarcerated, his two young children and wife have been left without a means of livelihood.

Sergei Sakovets, chief power engineer, was detained right at his workplace for subscribing to the extremist telegram channel “Real Belarus”. Sergei has been in pre-trial detention for 5 months now. Sergei's mother is a group 3 invalid who needs help while her son is incarcerated.

Sometimes it happens that volunteers themselves need help. That's what happened to me. I was forced to leave Belarus because of persecution by the regime and now I found myself alone in a foreign country without a place to live or money to buy food. I would be grateful for any help.

My name is Alexander, I am an activist for change who suffered a triple fracture of the spine and a CMT after being arrested and subjected to numerous beatings. In June 2020 I served 16 days in the TDF and TsIP. Hid from police during a search of an apartment and now needs help to buy basic necessities.

After a wave of detentions and administrative arrests in August 2020, our family found itself in a difficult situation. In the aftermath of these events, we faced problems at work and, consequently, our financial situation.

I was detained at one of the rallies in the city of Vitebsk because of my civic position and participation in the protest actions in Minsk. Because of the pressure of the officers of GUBOPIK, I left the Republic of Belarus and now I need help to rent a house in another country.

Well-known protest blogger Maxim Shabutsky is forced to flee Belarus because of threats of imprisonment. For more than a year and a half the blogger has been in deep underground, which he recently found. At the moment, Maksim needs funds to relocate and live in another country while settling down.

I am a country boy, a father of four, who disagrees with the policies of an unchanging, lying government, and I am not afraid to hide that fact. I have been sentenced to 2.5 years of home chemistry for this. Need help to pay for an operation I can't pay for myself.

My name is Dmitriy. In August and September 2021 I participated in rallies in Brest, for which I was sentenced to a year and a half on the “roundhouse case”. In places of restraint, due to hard physical work, my health deteriorated. Doctors said I now needed hip replacement surgery.

I have been sentenced under Article 364 to 3 years of chemo with a referral. Because of this I lost my job, thanks to which I was the breadwinner of my family — my parents and two minor daughters.

After being criticized by the leadership at the Olympics, they tried to get me out of Tokyo to Belarus. I managed to escape but had to leave my family in Belarus. My parents lost their financial income because my father suffered a stroke and my mother was diagnosed with cancer two months ago.

I, Lepeshev Svyatoslav Nikolaevich, was sentenced for commentary to 4 years of restriction of freedom with a referral to the penal colony. My family was left without means of subsistence, as I was the main source of income in the family. My wife is not able to pay the loan for the apartment and the education of 2 minor children.

My name is Daniel Tashtimirov and I am 19 years old. After participating in rallies and a series of problems with representatives of the so-called authorities, my family and I were forced to leave the country because we want to speak freely about our position. Now we need help to get settled in a new country.

I was recently detained after I was attacked by unknown assailants outside a store where I was shopping for groceries. After I was detained, I was hospitalized and during this time a criminal case was filed against me. Need help paying for tickets and emergency relocation expenses due to the threat of arrest.

I was a protest channel administrator and worked as a doctor in Belarus, but was forced to leave for Europe due to threats of arrest. Now I cannot work in my profession, as I only learn the language, get ready to pass the exam and confirm my documents. I need help to live the first period in emigration.

After being detained by GUBOP officers, removed from the border, days of administrative detention, a sentence of three years of home chemistry, and seized documents and equipment, life is divided into before and after. A successful bar manager and loving father turned into a housebound, unemployed and fading man.

On October 4, 2020, I was detained while marching near Okrestin. I served 13 days of administrative detention, after which I was not released and a criminal case under Article 342 part 1. I was sentenced to 1.5 years in a penal colony.

I worked as an electrician at the city's SU. After the 2020 elections, I openly showed my active civic position, participated in rallies and marches held in the city. After Freedom March I was fired from my job. Employment was refused everywhere without explanation.

In August 2020, I, like many other Belarusians, made my choice and defended it. Because of this, I had to endure administrative cases and fines for participating in rallies, and later I was detained in a criminal case and placed in a detention center.

Severin Kwiatkowski was detained by riot police with violence on January 19, 2022. He was charged under Article 369 “for insulting a public official in connection with the performance of his official duties”. Severin Kwiatkowski spent three days in the detention center in Pinsk, where visual and sound effects experiments were conducted on his psyche.

A New Year's gift in the amount of 3 years in prison was received from the court by Stanislav Mochalov, a brave, honest, IT professional, on January 3, 2022. Article 342 of the Criminal Code for the opportunity to speak freely and move around the streets of the city with legal crossing of the roadway, Article 364 of the Criminal Code for self-defense and the need for a real man to protect the weaker from aggression.

Recently, due to active citizenship, I was detained. I was convicted under Article 369 of the Criminal Code for insulting officers while on duty and sentenced to two years in a penal colony with referral to the penal colony. I was left at home with a wife on maternity leave and two children.

My name is Kira and I have been disabled group 3 since childhood. During the protest movement, I participated in marches and courtyard initiatives, because of which I was detained and placed in a detention center for six months. Now together with my husband we have to leave the country, because we are again summoned for interrogations.

In November 2020, I was convicted under Article 23.34 for marching pictures. At the same time my friend was on trial. She was recently rearrested and imprisoned under Article 342 Part 1, and since our situations were similar, I became concerned about my fate and the fate of my child. This prompted an emergency relocation.

I was sentenced to 3 years of “chemistry” after being in custody on Okrestin. When I found out about the sentence I had to urgently leave the country. At home I was left with my retired mother, who had no one to support me except me.

My name is Vladimir Nikolayevich Sushko. I am a political prisoner and now I am in PSIOT-24 for commenting on the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I need help to pay for a lawyer and to file a complaint to international instances.

My mother, Larissa Kuzmenko, was detained on August 6, 2021 for the events of September 27, 2020. She was helping people during the protests. Mom was diagnosed with a depressive-stress condition with claustrophobic syndrome. On December 2, 2021, Mom was sentenced to 2 years in a general population prison.

Served time on Okrestin under Article 24.23, which caused me to lose my job. After I was released, I was under surveillance and a criminal case was opened against me. I had to leave Belarus urgently.

In August 2021, I was detained and stayed in SIZO-1 for three months. After which I was given a sentence: «3 years of chemo with a referral.» Was forced to leave the country urgently before my sentence began.

I have a group 2 disability due to a general illness. I had to leave the country because of a criminal case.

My name is Alexei. I was a member of the MTZ strike committee and participated in a nationwide strike. Active citizenship was the reason for my detention. I had to serve my time in Okrestina and Zhodino, where physical and psychological violence was committed against me.

I actively participated in marches, served administrative arrests, was expelled from university and fired from my job for my civic stance. Recently I was convicted in a criminal case for participation in mass events and sentenced to 3 years of “chemistry”. Due to lack of personal savings, need help to pay for a lawyer and buy basic necessities.

For a long time, our family has been receiving threats from the security forces. For this reason, my brother had to urgently leave the country at short notice. I helped him with the documents. Our family was already under surveillance, and now there is a danger of being detained “for helping us escape”. Need help with paperwork for my brother and temporary residence in another country.

My name is Roberto Casanueva. I have lived in Belarus for 30 years, where I have a family. In August 2020 I could not remain indifferent to the violence committed and participated in protests. In November 2020 I was detained and sent to Okrestina, where I stayed for a year. After my release, I was deported from the country. Now I need help to start my life anew.

I was a member of Victor Babariko's initiative group. For this reason, the bosses decided to fire me. I have been working at the post office for 30 years, and now I am having difficulty finding a new place in a small town. I am raising my son alone.

I was forced to flee Belarus because I fear for my future and my life. I was given two hours to gather my things. For this reason, now, in a foreign country, I have only a small bag with the essentials. I would like to ask for help in order to start my life from scratch.

I have been an active participant in anti-violence protests. For this reason, I was fired from my job as an obstetrician-gynecologist in Minsk, and there were several searches and robberies in my apartment. I was forced to move urgently and am now in need of funds to relocate my family.

In Belarus I helped political prisoners. In March I was beaten by plainclothes officers and broke four of my ribs. I had to flee to Russia, where I lived and underwent medical treatment for some time, until in December I was detained by the FSB. After that I fled to Ukraine.

I have been an active participant in protests since August 2020. Previously I was tried on an administrative case, now on a criminal case for condemnation of torture and abuse of power of law enforcement agencies.

I am a pensioner, 64 years old. On the day of memory of Roman Bondarenko I put a candle on the window, for which I was fined 70 basic units. I hope that the rule of law in our country will soon defeat this outrage.

Tatyana Batura spent 45 days in isolation, 20 of them in the punishment cell and 13 in hunger strike on Okrestina, who was detained before the trial of Olga Zolotar. During this time Tatiana's father died of COVID-19. The girl was released by the court in order to take part in the funeral, after which she left the country.

My name is Sergei. In January 2021 I was detained and sent to “Okrestin”. I was discussed for 3 years of “chemo” and was written out to compensate for moral damage to a “power” officer and a “judge” in the amount of 5000 rubles. After these events I lost my job and had to leave the country. My family stayed in Belarus and I want to move them to my country. I very much need help in this situation.

In the fall the enforcers came to our house. Together with my husband they took us to Okrestina until the verdict was pronounced. During the trial it turned out that I was pregnant. Instead of a day they gave me a fine of 90 bones. While in the cell, I contracted coronavirus and was in the hospital after my release.

Due to threats of a criminal case, I had to leave the country urgently with my minor child, whom I am raising alone. One day they came to our house and searched our house. They took me to the Investigative Committee for interrogation, where they hinted at a possible development of events (institution of a criminal case). I spent three days in Okrestina, after which I was convicted and fined.

Together with my spouse we actively participated in protests and collected signatures against election fraud. In September we were detained. At the ROVD they insulted my wife, threatened to confiscate my three children and institute criminal proceedings. The whole year we were interrogated and had “prophylactic talks”.

Anastasia Strelkova is a member of the extended Coordinating Council, who helped victims of peaceful demonstrations. Due to criminal prosecution she had to leave the country. In July 2021 she received a serious open head injury because of an accident. In October she was emergency hospitalized with life threatening injuries.

After the 2020 protests, my wife was fired from her job and began to be pressured: endless subpoenas to the police and the prosecutor's office. She was sentenced under Article 369 of the Criminal Code for a year and a half of chemo with a referral. Because of the repression and pressure on my family — we were completely deprived of financial income.

In August 2020, I was a member of an opposition group on Telegram and supported a protest movement. For this reason, in August 2021 I was detained by officers of GUBOPIK, opened a criminal case under Art. 342 part. 1 and placed me in the TDF. Due to security threats, my family and I were forced to leave the country immediately after my release from the TDF.

Anarcho-partisans received heavy sentences: Igor Olinevich — 20 years in prison; Dmitry Rezanovich — 19 years in prison; Sergey Romanov — 20 years in prison; Dmitry Dubovsky — 18 years in prison. They are accused of terrorism for setting fire to the premises and cars of members of the punitive system.

A mother and her son escaped criminal prosecution from Belarus. The boy urgently needs to have metal structures removed from his legs, which have dislocated and are causing him terrible pain.

Leonid was detained on 10.06.2021 and sentenced to 4 years. At present he is in the penal colony #3. Leonid was an election observer, prepared letters to the prosecutor's office and distributed leaflets. He was convicted under three articles: insulting the president, calling for violence, and resisting the authorities.

A political prisoner has two children left at home. The children need medical examination and treatment.

My name is Alesya. I am from Minsk. My family suffered from the Lukashenko regime. We have two children. Now I live in Lithuania. I entered the Maritime Academy. I ask for help to pay the tuition, as at the moment it is an unaffordable amount for our family.

I posted a smiley face with the emblem “Pogony” and “Live Belarus!” For this I was summoned to a talk, and in the evening — to court, the fine was exorbitant. I appealed, but the court decision was upheld. Also — a summons to the prosecutor's office, a detachment came to the house, and the adult children were summoned to the SK.

In May, they came to my house with a search, presented a suspicion under Article 369 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. After the interrogation I was detained for 72 hours. On October 6-7 a trial was held and I was sentenced to 3 years of “home chemistry” and moral damages to 9 female officers of the riot police.

Supporting an activist who took the liberty of speaking sharply negative about the authorities. But since our collective farm authorities are not ready to accept any criticism, his statement was considered an insult. The activist was put in a high-security colony, where he served his term in full. During his imprisonment, his state of health deteriorated badly. Now he needs several operations, followed by a long rehabilitation process.

Ten people will soon, probably in January, have a trial in the case of the anarchist organisation Revolutionary Action. The charge includes 16 articles with a maximum sentence of up to 15 years. With this case, the punitive system is taking revenge on the anarchists for years of successful struggle. This collection aims to support political prisoners and their families.

Kurgansky Alexander, detained about for liking a comment. The so-called “Zeltser case”. Now he is charged under two articles of the Criminal Code (369 and 130 part 3). Alexander has worked in Ministry of Emergency Situations for more than 15 years, he is an honest man, devoted to his work and people.

My son was tried under article 293 part 2. One day he didn't show up for court and my grandmother and I were given a fine for failure to comply with bail of 300 basic + 10% executors want. I have 2 other minor children and have another child coming soon.

He was detained on September 4, 2020 and sentenced to 4.5 years for criticizing authorities. He was accused of intentionally inciting racial, national and social hatred.

We were actively involved in the protests. A family of 5 people. We were forced to leave Belarus. We were left without means of subsistence. For the first 2 months we need money for accommodation and food.

Natalia Strelchenko and her husband were actively involved in political activities in Belarus. They were forced to leave the country because of threats and repressions. Because of their illness they cannot fully provide themselves with everything they need. They need material support.

Collection of funds to help political prisoner Yana Pinchuk, for legal assistance of lawyers, material support of life support of the prisoner in SIZO №5 of UFSIN of RUSSIA SPb and Leningrad region.

Father and mother lost their jobs and can't find a new one right now. Three younger children are in school, two in college and at the Agricultural Academy. Ilya Dubsky received five years in a minimum-security penal colony.

A local tax office charged 11,000 Belarusian rubles for income tax during an unscheduled inspection. The inspection was not carried out in a proper way. And I am convinced that it was politically motivated, because during the last year I actively expressed my civic position, taking part in all kinds of initiatives.

I want to go to another country with my child. I was given the maximum penalty for BCB tape in my car. Despite the fact that I am raising my child alone. While the sentence is on appeal, I have time.

My husband, Nikolai Kovalevsky, wrote a comment with the word “RUNNING” under the photo of the riot police driver. He was sentenced to 1.6 years of chemo with a referral for that. We have three children, and were also awarded to pay 1000 rubles of moral damages, as well as confiscated the phone.

Participated in peaceful rallies for the rights and freedoms of Belarusian citizens. During one of the rallies she was beaten and detained by the police. Because of her injuries she needed an urgent operation on her spine.

I, Alexander, have been unreasonably detained and beaten several times, at peaceful protests. I am in need of medical assistance. I am currently studying at the European Humanities University and am in Lithuania.

Alexei was detained for a comment on the internet and sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison. While we were waiting for the court, our son was born. At the moment he is 6 months old. Due to this, we need financial support for utilities, food, transfers.

A young family, having served 224 days for two on Okrestin, was forced to leave the country urgently. They need money to live in a foreign country.

Ulyana was part of the MTZ strike committee. She organized the Italian strike at her plant and joined the national strike, after which she was fired. There was detention by KGB officers, who explained that the next detention would not be under an administrative article and that she was undesirable in this country.

They fled the country with their two children after their spouse went to a peaceful election protest after the election. After that a criminal case under Article 1Ch.342 and 364 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus was brought against her.

My son — Salmanovich Denis was brutally detained by GUBOPIK with a search of his house and dacha. Financial help is needed for a lawyer, transfers to the SIZO-1 and the life of the family of the prisoner, as now there is no way to earn money.

Rustam Aizatulin, an orthopedic trauma surgeon, is forced to leave the country due to his inability to find work. In addition to his main job, he counseled children from three charitable projects.

My spouse Sokolovsky Andrey Stanislavovich was detained and convicted under Articles 364 and 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment to be served in a strict regime colony. As of today our family is left without its main breadwinner. My spouse and I have a minor child, who is undergoing a rehabilitation course with a psychologist after my spouse was detained.

Dmitry Furmanov was kidnapped on May 29, 2020 while collecting signatures for presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and was held hostage for 1.5 years. Assistance is needed for recovery and psychological recovery.

Human rights activist Leonid Sudalenko and activist Tatiana Lasitsa were sentenced to 3 and 2.5 years in prison. For a long time Leonid and Tatsiana have been helping Belarusians and Belarussians to defend their rights — now it's our turn to support these brave people!

Sergei Monich has been active in peaceful protests since August 2020 against rigged presidential elections and further violence. He has 5 convictions under Article 23.34.In December 2020. He was jailed for writing the truth on the wall.He has two young children. We ask for help to support the children.

On August 10, 2020, I was detained. I was beaten and taken to the police station. I was sentenced to 15 days under Article 23.34. Then a criminal case was brought against me under Article 363 Part 2 for resisting an officer while on duty. Namely, for the fact that I had run over a police officer with my car

Square of Change chat room administrator, organizer of backyard concerts and tea parties, was restoring a mural in Square of Change. She was sentenced to two years of home chemistry. Was forced to leave Belarus.

Helped with groceries for the affected families, they came for us. Now studying in Slovakia and I need your help.

My family had to flee the country because of persecution by the Lukashenko regime. My father and I were criminally prosecuted for “roundhouse” and put in a pre-trial detention center pending a court verdict. After the sentence of 2 years of “chemo,” we had to flee the country illegally across several borders.

I am in Gdansk, arrived about a month ago. I was forced to flee due to criminal prosecution under a political article. Just graduated from college, left without a job.

She placed one tulip at the scene of Alexander Taraikovsky's death and, subsequently, was detained for doing so. The funds raised will be used to ensure that the innocently convicted pensioner continues her normal activities of life.

On 10.08.2021, the Leninsky District Court of Mogilev sentenced Ignatovich Alexander Evgenievich to 2.5 years of restriction of freedom with referral to IUOT-26 for commenting on an assistant prosecutor and a police officer under Article 369 of the Criminal Code of the RB. Alexander is left with 2 minor children.

The Leaflet Print Co-op had been in existence for four years. We had always positioned ourselves as a social project and tried to support projects that were beneficial to society. Because of our civic position and support of the protest, GUBOPKI completely deprived us of the possibility to continue our activities and forced us to leave the country.

I, Alexander Kornyshev, am the deputy head of BY ORG “Alternativa” and the owner of the online media outlet “Vitebsk Courier news”. In order to avoid detention and arrest, I was forced to leave for Ukraine. Due to a difficult life situation I need material assistance.

I am Vitaly Petrovich Shitikov. In August 2020 I took an active part against falsification of the presidential election, in the course of which I was wounded with a flash-bang grenade. I was imprisoned for 3 days in the TDF and 7 days in SIZO-1. The court sentence was two years of chemistry, and then I was released on the order of the same court and after a month I was given 2 years and 6 months of a real sentence in a general regime colony. Since June 3 I have been on the run.

Returning home after a rally, publicly tore down a flag and threw it on the ground. This led to a criminal case under Article 370, for desecration of a national flag.

Emergency Relocation — when you don't have more than an hour to gather. You put your documents and a change of clothes in your backpack, take your child by the hand, leave the house and turn off your phone. When your whole life is behind you and the dangerous road into the unknown lies ahead. On the day of the raid, three activists in a race against time were able to leave their hometown.

Helping political prisoner Sergei Konstantinovich Detsuku to collect parcels, packages and money orders. When his mother was harshly detained by the riot police for participation in the action, he stood up for her, for which he received 3 years in prison.

After prison, there were complications that could lead to infertility. After consultation, the doctor recommended a paid examination to prescribe treatment.

He was sentenced for 1.5 years of imprisonment on political articles. He is in pre-trial detention center, awaiting a transfer to a penal colony. Convicted under three articles: insulting the president, insulting police officers and slandering a police officer.

I lived in Minsk and worked in a factory. I was fired after they found out I was at the rallies. They threatened to fire me. I lost my job and housing, because I lived in a dormitory from the factory. I am an orphan. I have no one else to turn to for help.

Due to the threat of criminal prosecution, the entire family has been forced to leave the country. Assistance is needed to cover urgent living expenses until they are able to find employment.

Assistance in treatment after stroke. A mother of 34 years old with many children was taken away by the ambulance after being detained by security forces in Pruzhany on 10.08.2020 because she felt bad. Yulia Sakharuk was diagnosed with a stroke and paralyzed on the left side of her body. Yulia needs rehabilitation.

I was forced to leave the RB to avoid criminal prosecution for political reasons. Considering that I am in the status of a person waiting for migration, I have no right to work. In this case, it becomes difficult to support a family with two children. Waiting status is considered for six months.

Treatment and rehabilitation after severe Covid-19 (IVL as 90% lung damage) forced to be outside of RB for political reasons and unable to work now.

On September 23, at the inauguration in Minsk in the Serebryanka neighborhood, I participated in the blocking of the road. Because of this the traffic was disrupted, namely the trolleybus. I was expelled from the college because I left to serve my sentence in the city of Mogilev in IUOT 43.

There was a clash with the traffic police at a rally in Grodno. He was assigned to work at a collective farm for a minimum wage. Need funds to support the family, pay for utilities, circles and kindergarten for children.

I worked as the manager of the Craft House. I was fired under a far-fetched article, but in fact I was fired for expressing my civic position. Three towels of “forbidden” flowers on the loggia was grounds for an administrative case.

Andrei Seltzer actively participated in the 2020 protests against the rigged presidential election and even wrote a manifesto urging those who disagreed with what was happening to “go all the way.” And he himself was the first to follow it, when seven KGB officers began breaking into his house, he picked up a shotgun.

Our son was detained for participating in a protest on August 9, 2020. He was charged under criminal article 293 part 2, but was released under the personal guarantee of his mother (Svetlana) and father (Andrey) at the time of the investigation. He did not appear at the trial.

A mother of a minor child was charged under Article 23.24. For unauthorized picketing demonstrating her political interests, an A4 sheet became a red rag.

Because of an arrest for political hair color, she was fired from her job. Problems have arisen with the police. Difficulties with finding a new job, as she has a small child under the age of 3, raising her daughter alone. She needs help.

My name is Konstantin — I was actively involved in the Mogilev protest movement. For the last five years I was a technical administrator of the opposition news resource 6tv — now I am a defendant in a criminal case on terrorism. I and my family (my wife and two children, 9 and 2.5 years old) are threatened with persecution — I was forced to leave the country

My name is Daniel and I am an orphan. I was convicted in the “roundhouse” case and in the case of broken cells — article 339 part 2. The punishment — 2 years of restriction of freedom with referral to the penitentiary. I don't have the means to pack for “chemo” and live there. It will be hard to find a job there, but I will look for one. I want to raise at least some money for the first time.

Mikhail Kalishuk was sentenced to four years in a maximum security penal colony. We need help for transfers to the prison and for winter clothes.

Support for the home association fined for regularly displaying the flag on the facade between August and October 2020.

Since September 2020 our family was persecuted by the authorities. In September, I was convicted under 23.34 for participating in rallies, where a police officer was a witness. Before the trial, the “witness” summoned me and in the office together with his “colleague” they threatened me, insulted and humiliated me.

Due to criminal prosecution I had to leave the country urgently. I was fired from my job for political reasons and also lost my housing. Need medical assistance as well as re-qualification.

I was forced to flee with two minor children from Belarus from criminal prosecution in an emergency. I am in a difficult situation. I need shelter, food, preparation for school and kindergarten, clothes, and finances to support the children in the beginning, as there is no one to help.

Ambulance paramedic Pauline Loyko was detained and sent to serve 25 days in detention. After that she was fired from her job. She needs help.

Catherine was actively involved in an election campaign, and because of this she was in danger of being persecuted. She had to urgently leave the country with 2 children (a daughter 12 years old and a son 3 years old). Now she needs help.

Needs help. I have nothing to eat, never found a job. Retired from the internal affairs agencies back in September 2020.

After leaving the TDF on Okrestina lost her job. From time to time I worked under a contract. Now I am looking for a job. My husband was convicted for 9 years, we have a daughter who is 4 years old. The apartment is rented. Need help while I look for work.

On the evening of August 10, my comrades and I dared to walk through Mogilev shouting “Zhyve Belarus”. As a sign of anniversary and disagreement with the current government. A neighbor called the police and we were detained.

On July 3, 2021 my spouse, Sokol Vladimir, was taken into custody in the courtroom, charged with two years in prison and compensation for moral damages, for insult and threat to life. As of today I am on maternity leave to care for a child, who is three months old. We have a large family. We live in a rented apartment.

After release was left without financial cushion and work (and work is hard to find with my “criminal” past) money is needed to improve health, to move to another country, to distribute debts (which have arisen due to my situation).

I am in a difficult financial situation after the decision of the Court. After deductions and payment of loans from the salary I have 400 rubles, on which I support my family and help my grandmother.

Caught in a difficult financial situation — under Art. 24.23 received a fine of 100 BW and 10 BW OPI collection. Of the income — the pension 476 rubles, half goes on drugs. I hope for help, I will pay for part of it myself. If there is surplus, will forward to help others in need.

I am asking for financial help to go to the Republic of Belarus with my 9-year-old son. In her home country she was an ICGI “Our Home” volunteer, forced to leave the Republic of Belarus after a search and interrogation.

I was forced to leave Belarus in an emergency because I was awaiting trial on a political criminal case, even though I had already been convicted of 3 years of “chemo”. I twisted my leg while crossing to a safe place. It turned out that I had a fracture with displacement and torn ligaments.

A 37-year-old girl drew a white-red-white flag on three poles and was fined 250 basic units.

My name is Maxim. Since July 2021 I have been serving a sentence in the penitentiary under Article 369 of the Criminal Code (insult), and my spouse with a baby is left at home. The purpose of the collection is to help my spouse to buy things, groceries, and necessities for the baby.

A report was made on me and a criminal case was filed because I drew a white-red-white flag. I was given a fine of 100 basic units.

Fired from his job for his civic position. Can't get an official job. A fine of 70 b.v. was imposed.

Could not keep silent, did what tens and hundreds of thousands of my countrymen who do not care about the fate of their homeland...

I am in a difficult situation. Since August 2020 I have been tried 3 times on five administrative reports. In the spring of 2020, convicted under the CC, awarded 2.5 years of home chemistry, compensation for moral suits to police officers, and fired from my job.

On May 17 of this year we were detained with my husband and taken to the Frunzensky District Police Department. On May 18th court of Frunzenski borough court sentenced my husband to 15 days in jail and me to a fine of 100 basic units. I was fired from work. I have a child, and my husband is also out of work.

Participated in Sergei Tikhanovsky's streamers, after which she was fired from her job. Was fined 6 times under Art. 23.34. Assisted in collecting signatures and later became an authorized representative of S. Tikhanovskaya. I haven't worked for a year.

Need help for the two admins of the Lebyazhiy 97% telegram channel who had to leave Belarus. Money for the first time to settle life abroad.

I found myself in a difficult financial situation, having received a fine of 150 Bbl. + 10% of OPI collection. The fine is almost completely paid, there is only 300 Belarusian rubles left to collect. I was fired from my job and have two young children to support, unmarried.

The court sentenced 21-year-old Dmitry Gopta with mental disabilities to two years in prison for his participation in the August 10 protests in Zhlobin, when people went into the square and demanded fair elections. He needs help.

Financial support for 2 political prisoners from the same family who were convicted of blocking railroad tracks.

Financial support for a musician who organized backyard concerts and activities. He was sentenced to three years in “chemistry” for a comment on the Internet. Now he is forced to leave the country.

Almost 2 months I am “on the run” (political persecution for publicly insulting the president, was in the TDF, escaped from the investigation), I need financial help for food and temporary stay in Ukraine until I get a visa, for visa registration, insurance and tickets for myself and family (husband and two children), and also payment for housing for the first time in Poland, until we get a job.

I was forced to leave Belarus in an emergency after being searched and accused of extremism. On the way to the border I got into a serious traffic accident. Now I can't work and I need medical treatment. My child stayed in Belarus and while I am physically unable to take him here, I have to provide for all his living expenses with relatives.

For housing and preparing children for school for a medical family with two children who had to flee the country in an emergency.

Support for a family with many children. 10 children, two of them disabled. They were threatened with removal of their children by the KGB because of their participation in peaceful protests. The difficult situation forced the family to leave the country.

Support for the Leshko family, convicted in the “roundabout case” and forced to leave the territory of Belarus.

To pay a fine of 300 basic units to a former state media journalist convicted under Article 341 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Help pay for a lawyer, groceries, and things to send to mother of 2 Tatyana Zverko, who was sentenced to 1 year 6 months in a minimum security penitentiary.

She was detained in March at a rally, as a result of which she spent almost three days on Okrestina and received a fine of 60 basic units.

The purpose of the fundraiser is to cover the cost of paying the fine under s. 24.23

Help for a family with many children where the father is a political prisoner.

Fled from Belarus on April 22 to Poland. Help to get on their feet, collect the child to school, pay for housing. It is impossible to live in the camp, as it is outside the city limits. No money for clothes and food.

I was convicted for insulting an employee in a telegram chat, I just left a comment under a video where people were detained who were just driving in their cars, where they pulled everyone out of their cars.

Fundraising to pay a fine for a BCB sticker on a car, under Art 24.23 awarded a maximum of one hundred bases.

A single mother was sentenced by the court to 2 years of “home chemistry” and forced to pay compensation of 2,000 rubles for the poop emoji under a photo of a policeman. Now the family needs help more than ever.

The purpose of the fundraiser is to pay the fine that was imposed by the court as an administrative penalty for participating in rallies and picketing in Minsk in May-June 2021.

Help for a family who was in an accident while leaving Belarus in an emergency. Now it is necessary to observe a bed regime and to buy a considerable quantity of medicines, and after that rehabilitation for several months is required.

I have worked as a college teacher (last job for 14 years). However, due to my activism during the elections of 2020 and the subsequent repressions, my contract was not renewed. Finding a job in the near future is not possible.

Help for Igor Sidarovich, disabled sufferer of the regime, twice convicted under criminal articles 369, 342 part 1, because of participation in the protest movement.

We want to go to a safe place from reprisals, as a criminal case was initiated. Was dismissed from work, served twenty-four hours, there is pressure on the minor son.

Asking for civil society's help in raising money for the Relocate.

I was prosecuted under Article 368 Part 1, I was fired from my job because of it, a lawyer is not cheap, so I decided to ask everyone for help.

My husband was sentenced to 3 years in prison because of a comment on VKontakte and I was left alone with two children.

Help for the family after arrest and fine under Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

Financial aid to Valentina, who has become a defendant in a criminal case.

Let's help Maria, who was not afraid to stand up to the tuneyadic decree, to survive the horrors and atrocities of the current regime.

Helping a Belarussian who is fighting for his business and his employees.

I am a group 2 disabled person with epilepsy. I broke my arm and there are cracks in the humerus. Surgery is required to insert spokes.

Every day it is more and more difficult for me to hide, and I want to ask those who have the opportunity to help me collect the necessary amount of money to be able to move to a safe place.

Financial assistance for expenses after detention on Will Day

Financial assistance for expenses after my detention and DFR search

Really need your help in fundraising for relocation. I want to leave the country because of repression and criminal prosecution, absurdity and lawlessness. I want to be useful outside the country and do the best I can, which is impossible here.

Financial assistance for expenses after my wife and I were detained and 15 days of arrest

To support his family while he was retraining under the EPAM program. In October 2020, he was fired from his job for being an active citizen and trying to form an independent union

We are relatives of 14 political prisoners who were convicted in August 2020 as part of the “Pinsk case” and ask for help. The “Pinsk case” is unprecedented in its own way: huge sentences and crazy lawsuits...

Financial assistance for relocation to another country for a Belarusian man forced to flee from persecution by the authorities.

I was not afraid to voice my opinion and now find myself in a difficult situation.

Alexandra is the sister of two political prisoners who had to urgently leave Belarus due to criminal prosecution for political reasons. At the moment she is having difficulties finding a job in a foreign country and needs financial support.

Financial assistance, due to the difficult situation on the labor market for people with an active lifestyle.

I am starting a fundraiser because I find myself in a difficult situation

I, a mother on maternity leave, had to leave Belarus with my youngest child to avoid going to jail. Now we are in Poland. We have no money, housing, kindergarten and work. Everything takes time.

I was detained at the bus stop on my way home and the charges were trumped up.

I served 2 days and was convicted for sitting near the Minsk sea with the BCB flag.

A single mom with two children was left with no income due to an injury she sustained while participating in the protests in August 2020.

I'm starting fundraising for living in the TSI, buying food and things, as well as paying for the commandant's office and lawsuits.

On May 21, Witold Ashurok, a man who lived by conscience, fought for freedom and was faithful to his convictions to the end, died.

I was forced to flee from Belarus on September 10, 2020 together with my grandchildren, aged 4 and 6, first to Ukraine and then to Poland. Their parents, Antonina Konovalova and Sergey Yaroshevich, are activists of the “Country for Living”.

This fundraising starts for a repressed Belarusian, forced to leave the country because of persecution by the current government.

On December 18, 2020 the court of the Shumilino district rendered the verdict against the social activist Dmitry Kulakov (my husband) — a resident of Shumilino, father of two young children. He was charged under Articles 364 and 369 of the Criminal Code and sentenced to 3.5 years in “chemistry”.

Ivan Paszkiewicz was expelled from the university and had to continue his studies in Poland.

Ruslan Badamshin, a functional diagnostician, was fired from the Russian Scientific and Practical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery. The reason for the dismissal was that on April 8, after leaving Zhodzina pre-trial detention center after 15 days of administrative arrest, the doctor came to work in Minsk two hours late.

“Freedom is the right not to make another person feel bad when you sympathize with him.” This is how Olga described freedom in a letter to her loved ones. And Olga remains truly free even while in jail.

Fundraising to transfer a grocery basket to prison.

Maksim was sentenced to 2 years in a general regime penal colony for painting an inscription “We will not forget, we will not forgive,” in honor of the deceased demonstrator Alexander Taraikovsky. The family has a very difficult situation: mother 2nd group disabled, his father died February 19, 2021 from covid-19, and his wife is pregnant.

A fundraiser to support Yuliya and her family. The woman was jailed for 25 days for the sixth time, just because she is not indifferent to what is happening in Belarus. It's not easy for her family now, because her sick 56-year-old mother and brother were also detained in order to put pressure on Yulia.

I am starting a fundraising for myself and my husband: we suffered from repression in Belarus, were beaten by security forces and expelled from universities, had to leave the country.