- Story
In August 2020, I fought against election injustice, participated in protests, and organized yard marches. My first detention was on July 25, 2020, on an administrative charge. As it later turned out, I was charged under Article 23.34 for standing in a solidarity chain the day Viktor Babariko was detained.
On April 19, 2022 I was searched and detained in my apartment, after which I was placed in Okrestino and then in SIZO-1. After three months of detention I was sentenced to 2.6 years of ”chemo” with a referral. The lawyer provided by the state took advantage of the situation and my ignorance and the ignorance of my family and he took cash payments for his services. When his deception was uncovered, he cried and apologized, but returned less than half the money.
After my release, I borrowed money and went to Georgia, where I am at the moment. I need to pay back the money I borrowed for an emergency relocation, and it all coincides with the time of first settling in a new country, which also requires some resources. I would really appreciate everyone′s support and solidarity!
The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 1 375