Help with spinal surgery for Tysev Vitaly, a Stolbtsov activist

  • Story

My name is Vitaly Tysev and I am a Stolbtsy activist. In 94 year I got spine injury, when I served in army. This injury was not correctly diagnosed at the time. Before the events of 2020 I had regularly complained to doctors in Belarus and had been treated in the hospital, but unfortunately, the doctors couldn't or didn't want to make a qualitative diagnosis. They made a diagnosis which didn't require a disability group.

In 2020 I took an active part in the protest actions, organized events in the town of Stolbtsy. On August 9th I was detained while waiting for the announcement of the election results near the district executive committee. I was beaten in the police department and this aggravated my spine injury. He had problems with movement and walking.

After August 9, he continued to participate in rallies, organized protest actions in his town, helped and organized help for political prisoners. Participated in the initiative of the coalition of protest courtyards. Detained, served administrative arrest, and received a fine in connection with his participation in the protest movement. In August 2021 my friends with whom I organized actions in Stolbtsy were detained, and at work I was warned that I would have problems too, so I had to leave urgently for Poland.

At the moment I am living in Poland and I have international protection status. The disease is getting worse. If I don't have surgery, I will be paralyzed. Since it is a very complicated disease, there are no clinics in Poland that will take me to treatment. Currently, we have found a hospital in Germany, which can perform the necessary additional examinations and spine fittings.

How much is needed?

5000 € — treatment at stage 1 (detailed examination and determination of the type of surgical intervention); treatment at stage 2 (surgical intervention); medications for the pre-operative period.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 1 792
The collection is over. Сollected: € 1 792