- Story
Since childhood he was involved in sports and defended the name of his beloved country at that time. He achieved good results in sports. After, of my own volition, I went to serve in the army in the Airborne Forces, from which I had many commendations. In 2020 I decided to express my opinion, as it was my first election as an adult.
I was detained on April 10, 2022 the morning after work. Initially I was sent away for 15 days for ”resisting”, after which the guys from GUBOP came and I familiarized myself with their methods on my own body.
Then I was informed that there would be a criminal case under article 342 part. 1. When the house was searched, all my savings went into my valiant pocket. I was transferred to a TDF, where there were 12 people in one cell. We went through daily abuse and beatings. Before these events I did not have any health problems. After that I lost my eyesight and had dental problems. My old broken bones were showing signs of wear and tear.
My detention also affected my mother, a person with three degrees. They are firing my mother from her job and taking away her apartment. I am very worried about my mother and my beloved little sister. I really need help to continue my journey, to get settled in the new country and to help my loved ones.
The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 220