Assist the medical evacuation team in acquiring necessary equipment

  • Story

We are Belarusian volunteers, a medical evacuation team.
We are in the business of transporting the wounded from the front line and from hot spots. Simply put, we save lives.

Our group is now working in the Donetsk direction. There is a big demand for evacuation here, because there are a lot of wounded. We have to reach each of them in time, stabilize them, take them out of the combat zone and pass them on.

We need your support:
We need to buy new stretchers to carry the wounded. This is a very important item, without which it is often impossible to get people out of the battlefield.
And we also need funds to repair our vehicles that we use to transport people. Often through mud, off-road and under fire.

Thank you for your help!

How much is needed?


€1500 — stretchers to carry the wounded.
€2500 — necessary repairs to the transport

€ 2 670 in 4 000