Helping Vladimir buy tools to find a job in a foreign country

  • Story

Good afternoon.
My name is Vladimir Matyukh, I am a former political prisoner. In 2021, under articles 342* and 293**, I was sentenced to three and a half years in a reinforced regime colony.

I was harshly detained on September 13, 2020, when I was out with friends. The reason for the charge was a general chat in Telegram with acquaintances, where we discussed what was happening and agreed to go on marches. The journey to the police station in the minibus seemed like an eternity. I was beaten all along the way, pausing only when they carried my body from one place to another. After that, I spent almost a year under investigation, and then a quick trial and a colony awaited me.

Freedom, that's what I thought about every day. I dreamed about it! At the moment when I went free, I was happy and thought that finally these humiliations and abuse were over. But not in our country. I was almost immediately given a year of preventive supervision***. The happy life ended before it could begin.

I was pestered by the police with checks at all hours of the day and night. I had to check in all the time, attend ideological lectures, and not go anywhere without permission. It was out of the question to find a job, with such a strict regime and my political articles. On the outside it was even worse than in the colony — the state of uncertainty took away the last of my strength. They would come or not come, they would punish me or not punish me. So I decided to leave the country.

It was only when I was in Europe that I felt what it meant to breathe freely, to say what I thought and not to be afraid of being prosecuted for my political views. However, this joy was overshadowed by my difficult financial and material situation. I left Belarus almost without my belongings, as evacuation from the country is a “troublesome business”, it is necessary to be mobile and light: it is not enough for suitcases. And, frankly speaking, after three years in the colony I didn't have much left of my belongings.

In Belarus, I was self-employed, engaged in laying floor coverings. I plan to earn money with what I know how to do here in emigration. But it is impossible to do this work without the tools I have left in Belarus. I found myself in a dead end in life: I need money to earn money. That is why I ask you to help me at the beginning of my path in Poland. I need certain tools so that I can earn money. I need some time to find orders, so please help me with rent for the first time. And then I will be on my own. I am used to relying on myself, but here in a foreign country I don't even have anyone to borrow money from.

I really hope for our Belarusian solidarity! I will be grateful to everyone! And as soon as I get on my feet, I will help those who find themselves in a similar situation to mine.

*Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — Preparation for participation in mass riots
** Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — Preparation for group actions that grossly violate public order
***Preventive supervision is a control measure applied to people after their release. It includes regular checks by police officers, a ban on participation in certain events, a ban on leaving the country and the city, an obligation to report a change of place of residence and work. Additional restrictions may be imposed.

How much is needed?

€1200 — rent for two months + utilities
€1400 — tools (mitre and table saws, perforator, industrial vacuum cleaner, cordless screwdriver) — everything I had in Belarus I have to buy again. These tools are my bread
€400 — clothes and food

€ 2 915 in 3 000