“Come to My Voice” — an infoline of emergency aid to Belarusian refugees from “Partyzanka”

  • Story

“Partyzanka” is a volunteer initiative that every Belarussian refugee in Poland who has encountered assistance projects organized by our community has heard of. You can read more about the work of Partyzanka at these links:

link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5.

There are moments of special desperation when, to stop the inner monologue, you have to go for someone's confident voice. Someone has to be strong to steer the refugees in the right direction. That is why volunteers do not cry, but they gather their emotions and help everyone who finds themselves in a difficult situation, day after day. 

The history of the volunteer initiative Partyzanka is a history of Belarusian solidarity. For two years we have been helping refugees in crisis situations. The central project in the infrastructure of our association is the infoline “Come to My Voice”. This project not only covers a huge number of refugees and issues in which we can provide advice and assistance, but it also coordinates the efforts of volunteers throughout Poland. 

Unfortunately, since September our initiative no longer has any permanent sponsors, while the wave of appeals is constantly growing and the work of the infoline requires constant expenses.  Partyzanka 24/7 has to cope with everything: we provide assistance throughout the whole process of relocation, from the decision to evacuate, to integration into the new language, economic and cultural realities. We provide all the information about government support in the country and the necessary documents, and, if necessary, provide safe shelter for a few days in Poland. 

“Live one day” is a phrase we often say to refugees. We should live one day now, helping all those whom we can still help. Hidden in this phrase is the meaning that you can no longer make plans. It means that the ability to cope with anything emerges after you realize that this one day will be lived through, no matter how difficult it may be. 

The flow of refugees continues and we really want to continue to support them. Thanks to two years of experience, the reputation we cherish and, of course, the tremendous amount of help we have received, Partyzanka has earned the trust of respected organizations, public figures and government officials in Poland and around the world. We would also like to ask for your support in order to continue our initiatives and help everyone in need. 

How much is needed?

10000€ — tools needed to continue the infoline (call center software; virtual PBX; multi-channel number; cloud storage; speech analytics service; subscription access to databases needed to assist and verify applicants); assistance for callers in urgent needs; situational payment for consultations by specialists; printing promotional printouts; text messaging: overheads.

€ 16 305 in 20 000