Assistance in establishing a network of rehabilitation centers for political migrants and volunteers in Poland

  • Story

A group of political emigrants from Belarus, who currently reside in Warsaw, create a foundation that will provide a network of rehabilitation centers for political emigrants, whose flow we expect both from Belarus, Russia and other countries, as well as — for volunteers, who need rest, psycho-physical rehabilitation, medical, legal and other assistance.

At the moment, some types of assistance are provided by the Polish Foundation “Otsalenie”, “Peace House”, several shelters and some other institutions. Unlike these organizations, which constantly need an influx of funds from grants and donations, our foundation intends to earn its main funds (a foundation with commercial activities, the profits from which go to the needs of the foundation). All the more so, neither the Peace House nor the shelters can provide housing for everyone in need. And former political prisoners and other political emigrants find themselves in very difficult life situations where they barely manage to save their lives or escape repression. 

Our foundation intends to provide comprehensive assistance in all areas of life. At the same time, we intend to create jobs for political migrants, as well as to provide the necessary assistance to senior citizens, people with disabilities and women with young children, forced for political, religious or other reasons (except economic) to leave their homeland.

Since our team consists of political immigrants, we do not have the necessary amount of money to register and rent the premises for the three months we need to begin our work. We appeal to everyone who understands the need for a network of such rehabilitation centers for such a vulnerable category of citizens as political migrants, who often have to flee with one passport in their pocket (and sometimes even without a passport), with no means of livelihood. We have already written the Foundation's Charter and held a series of negotiations with lawyers in Poland. Two teams have been created who intend to work actively in the foundation. There is a preliminary oral contract with a Belarusian accountant, who works in a Polish firm.

At this moment, we desperately need funds to get started. We are grateful to everyone who will respond with even small amounts of money, as rivers begin with narrow streams, and then form lakes and even boundless seas. We would like our help to be limitless as well. We have experienced all the hardships of the first year of survival. And we would like those brave citizens who were able to rebel against the dictatorships to save themselves, to recover, to gain knowledge and experience, and to continue the struggle for the liberation of their homeland. We want active citizens, and those in need of asylum, to know that they always have a home, where they will be welcomed as relatives, will help in everything and always! 

Thank you in advance to everyone who responded! Peace to your home!

How much is needed?

5000 € — to pay for the services of specialists; to settle legal issues; to rent premises.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 336
The collection is over. Сollected: € 336